Home > Hidden Collections > Manage an Award
Request changes to your timeline, deliverables, budget, or P.I(s).
No-cost extensions should be requested between 1-3 months before a project’s end date.
Staffing changes often occur during a project. Project staff should inform CLIR immediately of such changes by completing the Grant Modification Form. Additional documentation may be required, including but not limited to:
Any requests for an allocation of funds different than the original budget approved by CLIR should complete the Grant Modification Form. Be prepared to share the following information:
Any requests to reallocate funds from salary and benefit lines to other areas of a grant budget will undergo additional scrutiny. CLIR strongly prefers that funds approved for staff support be spent on staff support.
After reviewing the submitted Grant Modification Form, CLIR staff may determine that additional materials, such as a revised project budget, are required for approval. If necessary, additional instructions will be provided.
All recipients of the Digitizing Hidden Collections program must submit interim and final project reports by the deadlines specified in their award letters.
All reports should demonstrate consistency with the original proposal and any previous interim reports; consistent financial reporting is essential. Some budget variations are expected, but all discrepancies from the proposal and previous financial reports should be explained in the budget narrative. Other narrative sections should demonstrate compliance with the original proposal regarding deliverables and grant activities, including outreach. All changes made to the original plan should be clearly identified and explained; in some cases, a grant modification request must be submitted and approved before implementation.
Be aware that the requirements for reporting for grants awarded in 2015, 2016, and 2017 are slightly different from the requirements for grants awarded since 2018. Earlier grants report the quantities of materials digitized and files created through a customized version of the Quantitative Reporting Tracking Template Excel spreadsheet prepared by CLIR staff and recipients of awards granted 2018 and later report this information in the SM Apply form, while submitting a full File Manifest with the final report. Templates for these files are above, under Reporting Resources.
All original award letters include required reporting deadlines. In general, the first interim report should be submitted no later than one month after the twelve-month reporting period, with each successive interim report due on the same date each following year. Final reports are due no later than three months following the end of the grant period. If unusual circumstances arise that cause reporting delays, recipients must inform program staff as soon as possible.
Occasionally, grant funds remain at the close of a project. Institutions are required to report this to CLIR and to return all unspent funds in amounts greater than $100, by check or ACH, to CLIR. Directions for returning funds are provided in the Returned Funds Policy for Grants and Grant-Funded Fellowships, available on the CLIR Policies web page. Due to the substantial fees involved, payments by credit card cannot be accepted.
Sample credit lines and boilerplate language can be found in CLIR’s Acknowledgment Guidelines. Please review these before citing CLIR in publications, presentations, and other outreach. If you have questions or would like someone to review the draft language, contact hiddencollections@dev.clir.org.
For all program-related inquiries, email hiddencollections@dev.clir.org.
CLIR hosts an orientation for new Hidden Collections recipients after awards have been announced. A recording and related materials can be found below:
Council on Library and Information Resources
1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 600
Alexandria, VA 22314
CLIR is an independent, nonprofit organization that forges strategies to enhance research, teaching, and learning environments in collaboration with libraries, cultural institutions, and communities of higher learning.
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