DLF Tuition Grants

Get your tuition covered for various learning opportunities.

Current Opportunities

Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) Tuition Grants

DLF gives away a handful of grants that cover DHSI tuition each year—available only to individuals from DLF member institutions. The deadline for grants covering courses in summer 2019 has passed.

Still planning on attending? All students, faculty, and staff affiliated with a DLF member institution receive a discount on tuition! Use codes DLF-Stdnt or DLF-NonStdnt when registering —in effect until 1 April 2019!

Learn more about the 20162017, and 2018 awardees.

Leading Change Institute (LCI) Tuition Grants

The Leading Change Institute is designed for leaders in higher education, including CIOs, librarians, information technology professionals, and administrators, who are interested in working collaboratively to promote and initiate change on critical issues affecting the academy. In 2019, DLF is supporting two Tuition Grants for LCI. Apply now through January 18,2019.

What's the DLF?

networked member institutions and a robust community of practice—advancing research, learning, social justice, & the public good through the creative design and wise application of digital library technologies