DLF Community Calendar

about the calendarOur community calendar covers events relevant to Digital Libraries and Archives, Digital Humanities, and Digital Museums, as well as a growing number of Open Science and Digital Publishing events worldwide. It also lists the calls for DLF and NDSA working groups.

We welcome your help in keeping the calendar up-to-date for your field! Please let us know if you would like to add something to it or be granted permission to edit the calendar directly.


Visit the DLF Community Calendar. 

About the calendar:
In 2015, DLF revitalized and began maintaining this digital conferences calendar, which was begun by former CLIR postdoc Amanda French in 2009. For ease of use, we also make it available here: digital-conferences-calendar.info.

Another great resource is the Library of Congress’ Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) program’s free national calendar of continuing-education courses and workshops nationwide in digital preservation.