Blog & News

DLF welcomes two new Program Associates!

The Digital Library Federation is pleased to announce the appointment of two new Program Associates, Katherine S. Kim and Rebecca Quon, who will join Team CLIR/DLF

Thank you from Oliver

Today is my last day as DLF Program Associate, and I want to take this moment to express my gratitude to the DLF community for the


Meet (most of) our 2016 DLF Forum Fellows!

This year, in partnership with an array of organizations, the Digital Library Federation is thrilled to offer several distinctive fellowship programs to support attendance at our annual DLF

2016 NDSA Coordinating Committee Candidates

This summer the National Digital Stewardship Alliance turns its attention to leadership renewal. We gratefully thank our outgoing working group chairs and Coordinating Committee members for their

DLF Forum News

DLF announces new Code of Conduct

As registration for our 2016 DLF Forum and an exciting set of allied events heats up, and as we work to assemble the conference program

Director's Desk

Seeking Self-Nominations for DLF Advisory Committee

The Digital Library Federation seeks to expand its DLF Advisory Committee by one to two new representatives, drawn from among our member organizations and wider practitioner community.