Digital Humanities

New media and technologies provide opportunities to enhance research, teaching, and learning in the humanities. As scholarship becomes increasingly digital and interdisciplinary, challenges emerge with respect to organizing, engineering, and deploying the technologies needed to operate at a very large scale. The search for solutions will require collaboration across disciplines—in the humanities, humanistic social sciences, and technology.

DLF seeks to facilitate conversations among its members, related to the digital humanities.


Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) is an umbrella organization whose goals are to promote and support digital research and teaching across arts and humanities disciplines, drawing together humanists engaged in digital and computer-assisted research, teaching, creation, dissemination, and beyond, in all areas reflected by its diverse membership. ADHO supports initiatives for publication, presentation, collaboration, and training; recognises and supports excellence in these endeavours; and acts as an community-based consulative and advisory force. ADHO hosts an international annual conference.


Established in 2007, centerNet is an international network of digital humanities centers formed for cooperative and collaborative action that benefits the digital humanities and allied fields in general, and has special resources in the domain of cyberinfrastructure to offer humanities centers in particular.centerNet has over 200 members worldwide and has formed regional affiliates in Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, and the United Kingdom and Ireland. Initiatives include developing cooperative opportunities for centers, advocacy for center funding and initiatives, and creating exchange and research opportunities for scholars and students. DLF is working in conjunction with centerNet to explore areas wither digital libraries and digital humanities converge. More information about the alliance can be found here.

A Companion to Digital Humanities, ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, John Unsworth. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

The CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide

The CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide, which was written for newcomers to the field, offers an accessible overview of the field and an introduction to some of its major debates.

Digital Humanities NOW

Digital Humanities Now is a real-time, crowdsourced publication. It takes the pulse of the digital humanities community and tries to discern what articles, blog posts, projects, tools, collections, and announcements are worthy of greater attention. Digital Humanities Now was created by Dan Cohen, assisted by Jeremy Boggs, and is a production of the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University.

Digital Humanities Quarterly (DHQ)

DHQ is an open-access, peer-reviewed, digital journal covering all aspects of digital media in the humanities. Published by the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), DHQ is also a community experiment in journal publication, with a commitment to: experimenting with publication formats and the rhetoric of digital authoring, co-publishing articles with Literary and Linguistic Computing (a well-established print digital humanities journal) in ways that straddle the print/digital divide, using open standards to deliver journal content, and developing translation services and multilingual reviewing in keeping with the strongly international character of ADHO.

Of note  is DHQ’s 4-part series by Patrick Svensson, which starts with “Humanities Computing as Digital Humanities“.

DH Answers

A joint effort of The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) and ProfHacker at the Chronicle of Higher Education, DH Answers is a community-based question-and-answer board designed as a friendly and inviting space where participants can help each other with questions about languages, tools, standards, best practices, pedagogy, and all things related to scholarly activity in the digital humanities.

DH Answers has convenient email notifications and Twitter and RSS feeds: follow @DHanswers or subscribe at the site. ProfHacker posts frequent updates on DH Answers.


HASTAC (“haystack”) is a network of individuals and institutions inspired by the possibilities that new technologies offers for shaping learning, teaching, communicating, creating, and organizing local and global communities. HASTAC’s scope and mission are fluid, constantly changing to meet the opportunities and challenges presented by the ever-shifting terrain of today’s digital world and morphing with the needs and goals of their network members. Many of HASTAC members are academics or others affiliated with universities at any stage of their careers, from students to senior professors. Other HASTAC community members are public intellectuals, artists, citizen journalists and scholars, educators, software or hardware designers, scientists specializing in human-computer interfaces, gamers, programmers, librarians, museum curators, IT specialists, publishers, social and political organizers and interested others who use the potential of the Internet and mobile technologies for new forms of communication and social action.

Introduction to Digital Humanities, Amanda French

Office of Digital Humanities ,(ODH),  coordinates the National Endowment for the Humanities’ ((NEH) efforts in the area of digital scholarship. The ODH works not only with NEH staff and members of the scholarly community, but also facilitates conversations with other funding bodies both in the United States and abroad so that we can work towards meeting these challenges.

“Rome Wasn’t Digitized in a Day”: Building a Cyberinfrastructure for Digital Classicists, by Alison Babeu (CLIR, August 2011). The author provides a summative and recent overview of the use of digital technologies in classical studies, focusing on classical Greece, Rome, and the ancient Middle and Near East. The report explores what projects exist and how they are used, examines the infrastructure that exists to support digital classics, and investigates larger humanities cyberinfrastructure projects and existing tools or services that might be repurposed for the digital classics.


THATCamp, The Humanities And Technology Camp, is a free, open, interdisciplinary “unconference” where humanists and technologists meet to work together for the common good. Through the generosity of the Mellon Foundation, the Council on Library and Information Resources, and the Kress Foundation, $500 (USD) fellowships are available to academics in the humanities, librarians and archivists, and art museum professionals of all ranks and fields to help defray the cost of traveling to a THATCamp for the purpose of attending both THATCamp and an accompanying “BootCamp” workshop series.

What Is Digital humanities and What’s It Doing in English Departments? by M. Kirschenbaum, ADE Bulletin, number 150, 2010

Why understanding the digital humanities is key for libraries“, Jennifer Vinopal, Library Sphere, February 18, 2011

Wikipedia entry for Digital Humanities

Working Together or Apart: Promoting the Next Generation of Digital Scholarship, CLIR Report series #145, March 2009