Data Curation

Data curation is an ongoing and iterative process that underlies knowledge production. There are many efforts under way in relation to data curation research, education, and practice.

DLF seeks to facilitate conversations and activities, related to data curation, especially in the areas of operational support and data management plans. We maintain a public Zotero group on data curation for resource-sharing.

For more information on CLIR/DLF supported data curation initiatives, programs, and projects, please visit the Data Curation page on


CURATEcamp is a series of unconference-style events focused on connecting practitioners and technologists interested in digital curation. More information can be found at their website, at their Google group, and via Twitter.

Data Curation Education Program (DCEP) is a data curation specialization within the ALA-accredited Master of Science at the University of Illinois’s Graduate School of Library and Information Science. DCEP was established in 2006 to develop a data curation curriculum and best practices for the LIS and scientific communities. In 2008 the curriculum was extended to include humanities data. Links to valuable publications and presentations are also available at this site.

DigCCurr is the home of digital curation curriculum building efforts organized at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Information and Library Science. Two programs have been offered, yielding a wealth a valuable resources. More information about past and upcoming conferences, symposia, and institutes are posted on the DigCCurr website.

The Digital Curation Centre (DCC) is a UK-based organization that supports expertise and practice in data curation and digital preservation across communities of practice. The DCC stives to convey key curation messages to primary stakeholders and to the wider community, inform and influence political positioning in the curation and preservation landscape, and promote and publicize the DCC and curation concepts. Below is a list of useful DCC resources.

Digital Curation Exchange serves as a “town center” for practitioners, researchers, educators, and students of digital curation. This site is designed to provide an environment to engage with a rich digital-curation community. More than just a resting place for materials, DCE serves as a starting point for discussions on topics about digital curation. Users can create an account and add their digital curation events, jobs, resources, or use-case questions, and discuss what others have shared in the comments section.

Digital Preservation in a Box is a product of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance’s Outreach Working Group and is designed as a toolkit to support outreach activities that introduce the basic concepts of preserving digital information. The DPB provides the best available resources and tools to help you communicate digital preservation and stewardship concepts and issues.

Digital Preservation and Outreach Eduacation (DPOE) initiative at the Library of Congress encourages individuals and organizations to preserve their digital content by  building on a collaborative network of instructors, contributors, and institutional partners. DPOE launched a nationwide survey to assess training needs and priorities, focused primarily on information and library practitioners now working in libraries, archives, museums, and data centers. The executive summary of the survey is available here. The Library of Congress’ Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) program offers a free national calendar of continuing-education courses and workshops nationwide in digital preservation.

D2C2 center at Purdue University investigates and pursue innovative solutions for curation issues of organizing, facilitating access to, archiving and preserving research data and data sets in complex environments. Current activities include developing data curation profiles and a self-assesment tool for researchers to use in evaluating their data-curation needs.

University of California Curation Center (UC3)The University of California Curation Center (UC3) is a creative partnership bringing together the expertise and resources of the California Digital Library, the ten University of California campuses, and the broader international curation community. We foster collaborative analysis, projects, and solutions to ensure the long-term viability and usability of curated digital content. Examples include developing and hosting the Digital Preservation Repository (DPR) and Web Archiving Service (WAS), and monitoring and evaluating services such as Portico, Chronopolis, and HathiTrust. Services and Resources produced by UC3 include EZID and Curation Micro-Services.