The DLF Born-Digital Access Working Group, formed in 2017, produces research on and advances the practice of providing access to born-digital collections. Current activities center on researching born-digital access practices, determining levels of access for born-digital materials, and hosting archivist bootcamps to share ideas and tools for providing access to born-digital materials.
Born-Digital Access Community of Practice
This group strives to create a community of practice and engagement around issues related to born-digital access. The group recently published its Levels of Born-Digital Access guidelines, based on surveys of users of born-digital materials on their actual and desired access experiences.
The group’s main mode of communication for all projects is the Google group. All are welcome to join.
The group has also conducted occasional Twitter chats (#bdaccess) to gain insight on how researchers want to access and use born-digital archives. You can read select chat recaps (chat 1 and chat 2), and let us know if you want to help lead a future chat.
Born-Digital Access Bootcamps
The bootcamp model was piloted at the 2017 New England Archivists Spring Meeting and has since been held in Philadelphia, Georgia, ACRL’s Rare Books and Manuscripts Section meeting, and at the 2018 DLF Forum. The NEA bootcamp was recapped on SAA’s bloggERS, and course materials are viewable via our OSF project page.
The bootcamp community has a Slack space at; all are welcome to join.