DLF Forum 2010: Events

There are a number of post-conference activities happening after the 2010 DLF Fall Forum.

DLF Developers Roundtable

Wednesday, November 3rd
Fee: $10
Meeting Location: Crowne Plaza Cabana, Salon B

A number of topics covered during the 2010 DLF Forum will be covered in more technical depth. These include Merritt, the new repository service from the California Digital Library; EZID, its new identifier service; and the JHOVE2 project. The DLF Developers’ Roundtable is open to all technical participants of the DLF Forum: to keep the discussion at a reasonably high (or deep) technical level, participants should be able to design or write computer software, or manage those who do.

METS Board Meeting

Wednesday, November 3rd 1:30-5:00pm. Thursday, November 4th 8:30am-12:00pm
Fee: Free
Meeting Location: Crowne Plaza Cabana, Salon A

An opening meeting to discuss technical and administrative issues of METS.

Digital Forensics Lab Tour

Wednesday, November 3rd, 1:30-3:30 pm
Fee: Free
Green Library, Stanford University Campus

In the summer of 2009 Stanford University Libraries created a Digital Forensics Lab (http://lib.stanford.edu/digital-forensics) to preserve and process born digital archival materials. The lab was designed to use forensic technologies to safely transfer and process born digital data from physical media that is at risk of loss due to bit rot and format obsolescence. The tour will include a visit to the Digital Forensics Lab, a brief demonstration of the forensic hardware and software, and a discussion of our lab workflow. The lab space is small so the number of tour participants will limited. If you are interested in seeing our new lab please RSVP Michael Olson at mgolson@stanford.edu.

Hydra Partners Meeting

Thursday November 4, Friday November 5, and Saturday November 6
Fee: Free
Locations Stanford University Campus

The Hydra Partners meeting is open to both current and prospective members of the Hydra Community.

  • Thursday, November 4th will be dedicated to a one day Hydra Camp, introducing the concepts, technology stack, and development environment for the project . This day will build upon this month’s successful & energetic Hydra Camp in Minneapolis, and will be tailored to those curious about or new to Hydra, and wanting to come up to speed or accelerate their adoption.
  • Friday, November 5th and Saturday, November 6th will be the regular quarterly meeting for Hydra partners, with collaborative specification, planning and development for the open source project. Participation in these discussions is open to those who are actively developing and working towards adopting Hydra, and will contribute to advancing the project core. The Hydra Steering Group will also have a closed meeting on Saturday, November 6th.

RSVP to hydra-collab@lists.stanford.edu if you are interested in participating in either or both events.