
This year, the Digital Library Federation was thrilled to offer five separate fellowship programs for attendees to our annual DLF Forum. The generosity of our sponsors, partners, and member organizations will make it possible for the following 15 deserving awardees to attend the 2015 DLF Forum in Vancouver, British Columbia, October 26–28.

ARL + DLF Fellows from Underrepresented Groups

This fellowship is for digital library, museum, or archive practitioners from traditionally underrepresented groups including, but not limited to, people of Hispanic or Latino, Black or African-American, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, or American Indian or Alaskan Native descent.

Jasmine Jones

Metadata and Technical Services Archivist
Smith College

Shanée Yvette Murrain

Seminary Archivist, Bishop Reverdy C. Ransom Memorial Library
Payne Theological Seminary

T-Kay Sangwand
Archivist for Human Rights Documentation Initiative | Librarian for Brazilian Studies at Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas at Austin

Yasmeen Shorish

Physical & Life Sciences Librarian and Assistant Professor
James Madison University

Learn more about the ARL + DLF Fellows from Underrepresented Groups.

DLF + ER&L Cross-Pollinator Travel Award Fellows

The goal of these travel awards is to bring cross-pollinators from the ER&L community—library professionals who can provide unique perspectives to our work and share a vision of the library world from their perspective—to the conference.

Kelsey Brett

Discovery Systems Librarian
University of Houston Libraries

Jonathan Shank
Acquisitions and Electronic Resources Librarian
Northwestern University
@ShankLib | http://galter.northwestern.edu/

Learn more about the DLF + ER&L Cross-Pollinator Travel Award Fellows.

DLF Forum Museum Cross-Pollinators

This fellowship is for practicing museum professionals seeking more exposure on the trends in digital libraries.

Sumitra Duncan

New York Art Resources Consortium (NYARC) Web Archiving Coordinator
Frick Art Reference Library

Neil Sreenan

Manager, Digital Asset Systems
Dallas Museum of Art
@nsreenan | neilsreenan.com

Bojana Vidović

National Museum Zrenjanin, Serbia

Scott Williams
Data & Database Administrator
Yale University Art Gallery
@moltude | http://moltude.com

Learn more about the DLF Forum Museum Cross-Pollinators.

DLF Forum Students and New Professionals Fellows

These fellows are newcomers to the profession and students at DLF member institutions whose work relates to digital libraries.

Celia Emmelhainz

Social Sciences Data Librarian
Colby College
@celiemme | databrarians.org

Angela Galvan

Angela Galvan
Digital Resources and Systems Librarian
SUNY Geneseo
@galvan_as | http://galvan.github.io/

Christine Malinowski
Fellow for Research Data Management
MIT Libraries

Hannivett Nabahe
Graduate Student
School of Information at the University of Arizona

Learn more about the DLF Forum Students and New Professionals Fellows.

VRA + DLF Cross-Pollinator Travel Grant Fellow

This grant extends the opportunity to attend the DLF Forum to a visual resources professional who would not typically go to the Forum, but who can envision and articulate a connection with their work and who sees great value in building a dynamic and diverse peer network.

Andrea Schuler
Visual Resources Librarian for Islamic Architecture
Aga Khan Documentation Center, MIT Libraries

Learn more about this year’s VRA + DLF Cross-Pollinator Travel Grant Fellow.

Our Sponsors

Thank you to our generous sponsors for making these fellowships possible.


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