
Notes: View the community notes Google doc for these sessions.

Snapshots are 7-minute presentations meant to engage and energize the audience. Presenters are asked to give a dynamic overview of their topic in a quick timeframe, with up to 24 slides. Snapshot presentations are grouped together based on an over-arching theme or idea. There are four groups (A, B, C, and D) of snapshots at the 2014 DLF Forum.

Monday, October 27

Group A – 2:30-3:30 pm

Problems and Solutions for Ingest of Humanities Articles into Institutional Repositories
Nathan Hall, Virginia Tech University

A number of authors (Madsen & Oleen, 2013) and projects ( have documented some different methods for finding and efficiently processing research articles for ingest into institutional repositories. These sometimes involve using subscription-based tools such as Web of Science or SCOPUS. In addition to being subscription-based, these have the limitation of having less coverage in humanities and social science publications. This session will explore new avenues for exposing article level metadata in humanities journals in order to find publications to improve under-represented subject areas in institutional repositories.

Curating Menus: Digesting Data for Critical Humanistic Inquiry
Katie Rawson, University of Pennsylvania

This snapshot assesses of the construction and presentation of a humanistic data set. It explores provenance and categorization through the Curating Menus project, which uses NYPL’s What’s On the Menu and the Frank E. Buttolph menu collection and papers. Data curation is necessarily an act of cultural construction, and this project provides a lens to concretely and critically engage the effects of this construction. This snapshot examines the physical and intellectual work of curating and indexing the data and proposes methods for presenting data sets that foreground the context of their construction.

User Engagement with Digital Archives: A Case Study of Emblematica Online
Harriett Green, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Myung-Ja Han, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Mara Wade, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tim Cole, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

This snapshot will present preliminary findings on a user study of Emblematica Online, a digital humanities project currently funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities to build a multi-institutional archive of digitized Renaissance emblem books. From the interview data gathered for the user study, the research update will examine user needs for granular discovery and access in digital collections, and how Emblematica Online has developed unique strategies and metadata applications through collaboration with expert scholars in the curation of the digital archive.

Bridging the Gap in Digital Collections: Application of 360 Degree Photography in Enhancing End-User Interfaces
Kinza Masood, University of Utah

The Marriott Library has been struggling to provide its end users with an experience that is rich, fulfilling, and interactive. The library has recently established a workflow that connects a camera to a rotating turntable, placed in a tent resembling a translucent igloo, with controlled lighting. By capturing a series of images of an artifact, placed on the turntable, and stitching them together, the end product is an interactive JavaScript file that the user can turn around virtually, and look at from all sides. A comprehensive description of Marriott’s technology and application of this workflow is available at:

Florida Islandora: Challenges and Rewards of Collaborative Development & Implementation
Katie McCormick, Florida State University
Jean Phillips, Florida State University
Lee Dotson, University of Central Florida

This panel will present some of the challenges and rewards of collaborative development and implementation of Islandora as a common digital platform for Florida’s state universities and colleges. The panel will discuss lessons learned from the migration of content from previous systems and the launch of the new Islandora-based sites. The panelists will also discuss how work occurs in an environment of continuous development. The presentation will also touch on the continued development for a statewide collection landing page for collaborative shared digital collections which will replace the current Publication of Archival Library & Museum Materials (PALMM) interface.

Group B – 3:45-5:15 pm

Researcher Expectations From Data Publication and Peer Review
John Kratz, California Digital Library

Data “publication” attempts to appropriate for data the prestige of publication in the scholarly literature. While the scholarly communication community substantially endorses the idea, it hasn’t fully resolved what a data publication should look like or how data peer review should work. To contribute an important and neglected perspective on these issues, we surveyed ~250 researchers across the sciences and social sciences, asking what expectations “data publication” raises and what features would be useful to evaluate the trustworthiness and impact of a data publication and the contribution of its creator(s).

#Win or #Fail? Measuring Researcher Attitudes toward Open Data Using Sentiment Analysis of Twitter
Sara Mannheimer, Montana State University

In the past few years, open data policies have become more common. Much federally-funded research data must now be preserved and shared, and many academic journals now require that supporting data be made available. However, the open data trend has not met with universal approval from the research community. The debate surrounding PLOS’s March 2014 open data policy was especially visible on Twitter, where the hashtag #PLOSfail was used by detractors. By conducting a sentiment analysis on a subset of Twitter, we measure researcher attitudes toward open data over time, identifying general trends in public opinion surrounding open data.

Faculty Attitudes Towards Data Sharing
Nathan Hall, Virginia Tech University

This snapshot explores faculty attitudes towards data sharing. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews at two large public universities. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed with NVivo. Emerging themes were the main findings. Findings include the participants’ attitudes and behaviors towards data sharing, along with the cultural norms, and organizational and economic incentives behind those attitudes and behaviors.

Learning Together: Two Case Studies of Internal Data Management Training
Elizabeth Rolando, Georgia Tech
Christopher Eaker, University of Tennessee Knoxville

As the Georgia Tech and University of Tennessee libraries expand data management and archiving services, internal training is critically important. At Georgia Tech, the Research Data Librarian collaborated with subject librarians to explore local disciplinary metadata and documentation practices for research data collections. At the University of Tennessee, the Data Curation Librarian held an interactive workshop to introduce subject specialist and instructional librarians to research data management best practices. This panel will discuss the two methods for “training the trainer”—lecture-style instruction vs. active, hands-on participation—highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches.

The CRADLE Project: Building a National Network of Data Curation Educators
Helen Tibbo, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

The IMLS-funded Creating Research Assets and Data using Lifecycle Education (CRADLE) project is working to enhance data curation education for librarians, archivists, and researchers by developing massive open online courses (MOOC) that will provide instruction on data curation principles. This presentation will focus on the efforts aimed at library and archival information professionals and seek community input on developing assignments that require MOOC students to make contact with data producers and information professionals at their local universities, libraries, research centers, or data repositories. Hosting virtual summits that provide ongoing opportunities to share data management experiences and continue will be discussed.

Tuesday, October 28

Group C – 4:00-5:00 pm

Fixing GIS Data Discovery, Presenting GeoBlacklight
Jack Reed, Stanford University

Organizations spend time and money on creation and acquisition of geospatial data, yet it sits on hard drives, dvds, and shelves without a straightforward way for others to discover it. Discovery tools that do exist have usability issues that alienate users and prevent wide adoption. This has long been a problem not only for academic institutions but also other organizations who use and store geospatial data. We will present GeoBlacklight, a collaboratively designed and developed open source software for discovery of geospatial data. We will present current progress on GeoBlacklight, insights gained from our design process, and future developments.

Let It Go: Exposing Digital Collections for Accessible and Useful Data
Juliet Hardesty, Indiana University

How can you open data from a digital repository and make it discoverable, accessible, and combinable based on the researcher’s needs? And how do you usefully combine digital repository, library catalog, and library web site data so researchers can collect, re-purpose, and re-mix the data in support of their research? This snapshot discusses both work completed to expose repository data and plans to combine that data with library catalog and web site data to create a Solr-indexed data source that preserves context and provides thorough, useful, and sharable access to the information, collections, and resources at the Indiana University Libraries.

Suma: Utilizing Emerging Browser Technology to Develop an Open-Source Space and Service Analytics System
Bret Davidson, North Carolina State University
Jason Casden, North Carolina State University

Web designers have long benefited from sophisticated usage analysis tools, however there are few tools to enable the same data-informed design and planning of physical spaces and services. Suma supports integrating observational data into these processes by streamlining existing data collection, providing rich data analysis and visualization capabilities for non-technical users, and promoting observational data analysis. Suma has encouraged the utilization of usage data in large and small planning processes for our libraries as well as over 40 pilot institutions. This talk will discuss how Suma informs space and service planning through the use of the latest web technologies.

RDFa Markup,, and DBpedia Topics: A Closer Look at the Holy Trinity of Structured Data and their Impact on the Findability of Digital Collections
Jason Clark, Montana State University

In this snapshot session, we’ll look at how structured data practices (e.g., RDFa markup applying vocabularies and linking to DBpedia Topics) might enhance findability for digital collections. This research snapshot will build on the search engine optimization work at Montana State University (MSU) Library and consider a control digital collection that has not been optimized versus a digital collection that has been built with semantic topics & machine-actionable markup. Our community has an understanding of how to implement structured data; this session will look more closely at the question of why we should (or shouldn’t) do it.

Make it Rain: Integrating Cloud Services and Local Development
William Ying, ARTstor

Shared Shelf, a cloud-based image/video cataloging and asset management service (a subscription service of Artstor), interoperates with various other components in library and pedagogical environment and is developing as a platform around which local programmers can build or implement other needed elements. This integration of Shared Shelf with local development efforts has allowed optimal balance of local and remote services. Shared Shelf exposes the metadata and digital assets through standard-compliant APIs; work with Harvard and Cornell has enabled dynamic harvesting between Shared Shelf cataloging utilities and institutional image and video repositories.

Wednesday, October 29

Group D – 9:00-10:00 am

Digital Projects and Undergraduate Education
Mark Dahl, Lewis & Clark College

At liberal arts colleges, digital projects led by faculty and facilitated by the library are an opportunity for students to engage in scholarly inquiry. In this snapshot session, I will give an overview of digital projects at liberal arts colleges including collections developed around faculty teaching and research interests, student-created collections and exhibits, and digital field scholarship. Drawing from cases at several colleges, I will discuss the role that the library can play in facilitating these types of projects.

Digital Archives Pilot Project: Fostering Interdepartmental Collaboration
Nicole Finzer, Northwestern University

This talk will give an overview of the Digital Archives Pilot Project and how the collaborative efforts were managed using scrum methodology at Northwestern University Library. The result of this agile work was a final report that stated the mandate and scope of the Digital Archives Pilot Project (DAPP), and how it can help to articulate the policy, criteria, and strategies for collection development, and to define technical and staffing for policy makers.

Recipes for Engagement: A Cookbook for Interactive Spaces
Jason Ronallo, North Carolina State University
Mike Nutt, North Carolina State University

Libraries have begun to embrace interactive digital spaces as platforms for new kinds of services. With the opening of the James B. Hunt Jr. Library, the NCSU Libraries has created several of these spaces with various affordances. One of our goals for these spaces is to foster a high level of engagement with the university community. We will speak about two ways we are thinking about engagement and show examples of them in practice. First, we have developed engaging, interactive, participatory applications. Second, we are engaging our community in the creation of new kinds of scholarly communication for public display.

Interactive Visualization: Video Walls for Collaborative Research and Discovery
Krista Graham, Georgia State University
Khyle Hannan, Georgia State University
Joseph Hurley, Georgia State University
Bryan Sinclair, Georgia State University

This snapshot will discuss large-scale video walls in libraries designed for collaboration that can change users’ perspective and reframe and amplify digital content in shared physical spaces. Georgia State University Library’s newly-opened CURVE: Collaborative University Research & Visualization Environment features a 24-by-4.5-foot, high-resolution CURVE interactWall that expands student and faculty access to digital resources, data visualization, and more.