Opening Keynote
Bethany Nowviskie
Computing humanist/humane computationalist since 1996. Director of the Scholars’ Lab and Department of Digital Research & Scholarship at the University of Virginia Library and Special Advisor to the Provost, for the advancement of digital humanities research at UVa. Distinguished Presidential Fellow at CLIR, the Council on Library and Information Resources. Immediate past president of the Association for Computers and the Humanities and outgoing chair of both the UVa General Faculty Council and the Modern Language Association‘s Committee on Information Technology. Recent projects include Neatline, the Praxis Program and Praxis Network, #Alt-Academy, and the Scholarly Communication Institute. Named one of “Ten Tech Innovators” for 2013 by the Chronicle of Higher Education, which pretty much summed it up: “Bethany Nowviskie likes to build things.” Mother of two; tinkerer; not that kind of doctor.
Video: Watch the recorded livestream here.
Notes: View the community notes Google doc for the opening keynote.
Text: Read the full opening keynote here.
Closing Keynote
Bonnie Tijerina
Bonnie Tijerina is a librarian, entrepreneur, library community convener and a Data & Society Fellow. She is founder of ER&L (Electronic Resources & Libraries) conference and organization, created to facilitate communication and foster collaboration among information management and e-resources professionals in libraries. Bonnie relishes the role of library convener and in 2013 initiated an effort to connect the library community with business with the #ideadrop Library House, an effort she led during SXSW Interactive. She is also co-founder of the Leadership, Technology and Gender Summit. Bonnie is working to engage the library community in a broad conversation on the future of libraries and the important role library professionals can play in a modern, digital world.
Video: Watch the recorded livestream here.
Notes: View the community notes Google doc for the closing keynote.
Text: Read the full closing keynote here.
Slides: View Tijerina’s slides here.