Community Idea Exchange – Posters

Notes: View the community notes Google doc for this event.

The Community Idea Exchange is made up of Posters and a Lightning Round. Fast-paced and fun, the Lightning Round gives each presenter one minute to pitch their poster to the conference audience. There is also dedicated time in the program for attendees to visit with poster presenters.

The CIE will be part of the evening reception on Monday, October 27, 5:15-8:00 pm. The Lightning Round will start at 5:30. Like last year, attendees can vote for their favorite poster. The winning poster presenter gets a 2015 DLF Forum registration, and a voter is randomly selected to also win 2015 registration.

Winning poster: The winner of attendees’ favorite poster was Expanding Conventional Collection Boundaries Through Visualization.


2014 DLF Forum Posters

A-sides, B-sides, Chapters, and Special Features: Describing Content and Structure in Avalon Media System
Juliet Hardesty, Indiana University

Archival Alliance: Moving Legacy Finding Aids to ArchivesSpace as a Multi-Department Library Collaboration
Paromita Biswas, Western Carolina University
Elizabeth Skene, Western Carolina University

DataNet Federation Consortium: A Policy-driven Architecture for Preservation, Federation, and Discovery
Michael Conway, DICE Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Hao Xu, DICE Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

The Developing Librarian Project
Sarah Witte, Columbia University
Robert Scott, Columbia University
Alex Gil, Columbia University
Meredith Levin, Columbia University

Expanding Conventional Collection Boundaries Through Visualization
Justin Schell, University of Minnesota
Amy Neeser, University of Minnesota
Steven Braun, University of Minnesota
Megan Lafferty, University of Minnesota

Experience Content – With CCS’s New MagicBox
Hartmut Janczikowski, CCS

Improved Access through Preservation Grade Imaging
Carol Wilczewski, Digital Transitions

Framing a Repository Solution for Bio-Imaging Data
Kyle Bannerjee, Oregon Health & Science University
Robin Champieux, Oregona Health & Science University

From Field to Footnote: A Case Study in the Management of Archaeological Data
Stephen Davison, University of California, Los Angeles
Willeke Wendrich, University of California, Los Angeles

Hybrid Permissions Models to Integrate Free and For-Fee Content into Patron Workflows
Andrea Eastman-Mullins, Alexander Street Press

Improving the Efficiency and Quality of Digitization Practice: A Collaborative and Research-based Approach to Promoting Change
Drew Krewer, University of Houston
Annie Wu, University of Houston

The James Merrill Digital Archive: Channeling the Collaborative Spirit(s)
Shannon Davis, Washington University in St. Louis
Joel Minor, Washington University in St. Louis

Large-Scale Manuscript Digitization in a Medium-Sized Institution: Metadata Repurposing, Mapping, and Workflows
Dawn Schmitz, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Joseph Nicholson, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Rita Johnston, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Lowering the Barrier to Open Source Repositories: DSpaceDirect at Bennington College
Carissa Smith, DuraSpace

New Features in the ALTO XML Standard
Frederick Zarndt, Global Connexions
Luis Baquera, University of California, Riverside

Paper Seismograms Shake Up Research Data Workflows at Georgia Tech
Elizabeth Rolando, Georgia Tech
Katie Gentilello, Georgia Tech
Wendy Hagenmaier, Georgia Tech

Points of Access: Integrating Digital Scholarship Services Across the Research Life Cycle
Christopher Eaker, University of Tennessee
Ashley Maynor, University of Tennessee

Populating the Archipelago: Repository-Backed Research Applications with Islandora
Eric Luhrs, Lafayette College
James Griffin, Lafayette College
Thomas Goodnow, Lafayette College

Research Now: Cross Training for Digital Scholarship
Angela Courtney, Indiana University
Michelle Dalmau, Indiana University
Catherine Minter, Indiana University

The Road to Implementing Successful Research Data Services: Moving from Challenges to Benefits
Ixchel Faniel, OCLC Research
Lynn Connaway, OCLC Research

Supplementary Materials: Investigating Their Persistence and Exploring the Library’s Role
Sarah Williams, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Support Open Access Policies Through Publications Harvesting and Repository Integration
Kelcy Rosell, Symplectic

Take the Omeka Curator Dashboard for a Test Drive
Susan Chesley Perry, University of California, Santa Cruz
Jess Waggoner, University of California, Santa Cruz

Techniques for Descriptive Metadata Enrichment of Digital Objects
Carrick Rogers, Stanford University
Gary Geisler, Stanford University
Trina Purcell, Revs Institute

Usability Metrics of Web-Based Mapping Applications
Tao Zhang, Purdue University
Nicole Kong, Purdue University
Ilana Stonebraker, Purdue University

Using BIBFRAME, Flask, and Fedora4 as a Catalog Pull Platform
Jeremy Nelson, Colorado College

Where’s My Funding? Common Pitfalls for Researchers in Meeting the NIH Public Access Requirement
Gail Steinhart, Cornell University
Sarah Young, Cornell University

Where’s My Syllabus?
Ann Caldwell, Brown University