SHARE: An Update on the SHared Access Research Ecosystem

Notes: View the community notes Google doc for this session.

Session Type: Project Update

Session Description
An update on the latest developments with SHAREa higher education and research community initiative to facilitate the preservation of, access to, and reuse of research outputs. Learn the status of the project’s first undertaking, the SHARE Notification Service, which aims to notify interested stakeholders when research release events occur. Currently in prototype development, the SHARE Notification Service is working with funding agencies, sponsored research offices, institutional repositories, disciplinary repositories, publishers, data archives, and other interested parties to provide a timely, structured, and comprehensive communication channel. Presentation will describe how the SHARE Notification Service can be used by researchers to keep interested parties apprised of their scholarly output; by universities to facilitate the work of the sponsored research office, tenure and promotion committees, and to oversee open access polices; by funding agencies to track grant compliance; and by libraries to help populate their institutional repositories.

The presentation will also touch on SHARE’s larger vision of a coordinated repository infrastructure that will give campus-driven research outputs their widest exposure, and facilitate their broad reuse. In its fully realized state, SHARE will provide a registry of what is available within publicly accessible repositories and facilitate discovery of, and access to, content across these repositories. SHARE will expose this content so that the community can reuse, mine, and build services on top of the corpus. We look forward to detailing this vision and getting your critical input as we pursue this community-driven project.

Session Leader
Eric Celeste, SHARE