Beyond the Digital Surrogate: Discovery and Analysis of Digital Collections

Notes: View the community notes Google doc for this session.

Session Type: Presentation

Slides: View the slides from this presentation here.

Session Description
The so-called “data turn” in the humanities suggests new research possibilities for digital collections. This panel will feature three presentations on projects that support text and image analysis in digital collections. First, TOME is a tool that draws on topic modeling to support the interactive exploration and visualization of text-based archives. Second, DocSouth Data is an enhancement to UNC’s North American Slave Narratives Collection website designed to facilitate “distant reading” techniques. The third presentation shifts from text-based analysis to analysis of texts as images, offering an overview of the work of the Image Analysis for Discovery Team, which seeks to leverage the information potential of visual cues in the millions of digital images we create for digital libraries. The three short presentations will leave time for broader discussion with the audience.

Session Leaders
Stewart Varner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Lauren Klein, Georgia Tech
Elizabeth Lorang, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Leen-Kiat Soh, University of Nebraska-Lincoln