Developing an Understanding of Librarian 3.0

Notes: View the community notes Google doc for this session.

Session Type: Birds of a Feather

Session Description
This lunch session will focus on exploring and understanding the place of the librarian in Library 3.0. While there is growing research into the “point oh” library models (see for example, Kwanya et al. 2012), the place of the librarian in these models is sparse and for the most part limited to lists of competencies and skills desired or required for work in Library 2.0 and 3.0. (see for example, Huvila, et al. 2012 and Vanwynsberghe, et al. 2014). While valuable, the existing accounts focusing on tools fail to understand the place of the librarian in libraries in relationship to the Library 3.0 philosophy. Through this discussion we can begin to understand both the traditional librarian and the untraditional librarian within Library 3.0. Discussion leaders, with a variety of librarian roles, will help lead this session. It will start with a brief overview of the Library 1.0 through 3.0 philosophies and then the groups will break out to discuss the place (or places) of the librarian in Library 3.0. Specific outcomes, such as describing 5 different roles librarians have in library 3.0 and/or 5 ways to support non-traditional librarian roles in the library may be developed based on consensus within the group.

References: Tom Kwanya, Tom; Christine Stilwell; Peter G. Underwood. Intelligent libraries and apomediators: Distinguishing between Library 3.0 and Library 2.0. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science September 2013 vol. 45 no. 3 187-197. Vanwynsberghe, Hadewijch; Ruben Vanderlinde; Annabel Georges; Pieter Verdegem. The librarian 2.0: Identifying a typology of librarians’ social media literacy. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science January 28, 2014 Isto Huvila, Isto; Kim Holmberg; Maria Kronqvist-Berg; Outi Nivakoski; Gunilla Widén. What is Librarian 2.0 – New competencies or interactive relations? A library professional viewpoint, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science September 2013 vol. 45 no. 3

Session Leaders
Hannah Rasmussen, Harvard Business School
Melissa Shaffer, Harvard Business School