Developing with Hydra

Notes: View the community notes Google doc for this session.

Session Type: Workshop

Session Description
This workshop will introduce core concepts needed for developing a Hydra based repository application, including generating a Ruby on Rails app with the Hydra plugin software, data modeling, indexing content into solr, and customizing Blacklight search results. We’ll discuss what Hydra solutions exist already or are in development, how to participate in the Hydra open source community, best practices like test driven development, continuous integration, and automated deployment, and how to continue growing your ruby and Hydra skill set.

Participants should bring a laptop already installed with the necessary pre-requisites, as documented on the Dive into Hydra curriculum ( If you need help getting your development environment set up, please consider first attending the Hydra Installfest session, which will prepare participants with the environment needed to engage productively with this workshop. In order to make the best use of our time, we will not be setting up development environments during this workshop.

We will work through Dive into Hydra ( together, then move onto more advanced data modeling exercises. Participants are encouraged to bring their institution’s local use cases to the workshop to fuel data modeling conversations.

Session Leader
Bess Sadler, Stanford University