Future Commons: Imagining a Shared Vision of Scholarly Communication

Notes: View the community notes Google doc for this session.

Session Type: Working Session (lunch)

Session Description
Openness, reuse, and reproducibility are goals that transcend any one community’s efforts to affect scholarly communication. However, despite our shared goals, much expertise and work aren’t known nor leveraged beyond local constituencies. As such, the DLF, FORCE11, and ARCS are partnering to organize a series of events focused on mapping this landscape to better understand what the scholarly commons involves and articulate a shared vision for the future of scholarly communication.

The first session will take place at the 2014 DLF Forum. Attendees will initiate the map by identifying and organizing our community’s goals, experts, projects, tools, experiments, and partners. We’ll also discuss what’s missing. The results will be shared openly and in real-time, inviting immediate comment and contributions.

FORCE11 and ARCS will host similar workshops at their conferences in January and April 2015. The Commons Working Group will continuously curate and integrate the maps and documents. The knowledge and networks the maps reveal will inspire collaboration and ground the specific work, technologies, and concerns of diverse scholars, practitioners, service providers, and organizations within a shared and living framework.

Session Leader
Robin Champieux, Oregon Health & Science University