EZID: Persistent Identifiers and Data Citation

Constellation B: Monday, October 31, 2:00 – 3:00PM

The record of science will be incomplete without an established and routine practice of sharing and archiving datasets upon which scientific conclusions are based. To motivate such practice, especially given the difficulty of preparing datasets for sharing, there are emerging mechanisms for receiving credit and career advancement, as well as new requirements for including data management plans in funding proposals. Fundamental to both these inducements are dataset citations containing identifiers that can be used to measure scholarly impact and that stably reference datasets in persistent storage.

This talk will describe the role that the EZID identifier service (http://n2t.net/ezid) plays in creating and maintaining identifiers and metadata in support of data citation and identifier persistence. Originating from the California Digital Library, EZID offers services for DOIs via the DataCite consortium, for ARKs, and soon for other identifier schemes. We will also report on new features under development, including generalized suffix passthrough, exposure to indexing services such as the Web of Knowledge, and more.

Session Resources

Session Leaders

John Kunze

Joan Starr

Greg Janée