Civil War 150: Notes Toward a Linked Data Case Study

Constellation D: Monday, October 31, 4:15 – 5:00PM

Civil War Data 150 (CWD150) is a collaborative project to share data relating to the American Civil War across local, state, and federal institutions using Linked Data. It builds on expertise among cultural heritage institutions, digital humanists, and information technology experts in the private and non-profit sectors and counts among its partners the Archives of Michigan, the Internet Archive, Freebase, and the University of Richmond, among others.

This research update presents the objectives of CWD150 and reflections on its progress thus far. CWD150 addresses the key opportunities identified by participants in the Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives, and Museums Summit, San Francisco, June 2011 by creating a use case to demonstrate the potential of Linked Open Data, by addressing questions about metadata licensing, by creating tools for publishing and using linked data and by agreeing on shared vocabularies within a limited domain. It seeks to build semantic relationships among data on the Civil War that cross institutional and technical obstacles in order to facilitate productive exchanges between the public, cultural heritage institutions, and scholars.

Session Resources

Session Leaders

Scott Nesbit (University of Richmond)

Jon Voss