DLF Advisory Subcommittee At-Large Members Poll

Thank you for sending in nominees for At-Large members of the new Digital Library Federation (DLF) Advisory Subcommittee.

The new DLF Advisory Subcommittee will include current CLIR Board members as well as two or three non-Board representatives from the broader DLF community. The subcommittee will advise the DLF director on matters relating to program activities, initiatives, partnerships, and strategy. The At-Large members will not only contribute to the success of the DLF program, but will also gain a better understanding of CLIR’s governance and operations. Members will serve two-year terms.

We have compiled a list of nominations for DLF community representatives and ask the DLF community to vote on who they would like to serve in this governance role.

The top 5 names will be put forward to CLIR’s Executive Board, which will make the final selection of the DLF Advisory Subcommittee.

You may select up to three candidates from the list below. (Names are put in random order via our randomizer.)

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