Announcing the 2017 NDSA Award Winners

We are delighted to announce the recipients of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance’s (NDSA) annual Innovation Awards! Individual Awards: Rebecca Guenther & Karen Cariani Organization

NDSA Survey on Fixity Practices

Does your organization manage and preserve digital content? If so, the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) is interested in hearing from you! Building off of the

NDSA Innovation Award Nominations Now Open!

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2017 Innovation Awards for the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA)! The NDSA established the Innovation Awards in 2012

NDSA Call for Volunteers: Digital Preservation 2017

The National Digital Stewardship Alliance calls for volunteers from NDSA member organizations to join the Planning Committee for Digital Preservation 2017. Digital Preservation is the NDSA’s