DLF Forum News

AMIA + DLF Virtual Cross-Pollinators

In partnership with Hack Day organizers at the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA), we’re happy to introduce the four individuals who will act as


2016 Fellows, Part II!

We’re glad to welcome six Cross-Pollinators to our cohort of 2016 Fellows, five of whom will be attending the Forum in November, and one who


Meet (most of) our 2016 DLF Forum Fellows!

This year, in partnership with an array of organizations, the Digital Library Federation is thrilled to offer several distinctive fellowship programs to support attendance at our annual DLF

DLF Forum News

DLF announces new Code of Conduct

As registration for our 2016 DLF Forum and an exciting set of allied events heats up, and as we work to assemble the conference program

DLF Forum News

Registration opens! DLF Forum and allied events

Registration for the 2016 DLF Forum, DLF’s Liberal Arts Colleges Pre-Conference, and NDSA’s Digital Preservation 2016 is open! Don’t miss your chance to register now. With