

Meet (most of) our 2016 DLF Forum Fellows!

This year, in partnership with an array of organizations, the Digital Library Federation is thrilled to offer several distinctive fellowship programs to support attendance at our annual DLF

Reflections on community currents at #DPLAfest

This conference update was provided by T-Kay Sangwand, Librarian for Digital Collection Development at UCLA’s Digital Library Program. Find Sangwand on Twitter @tttkay. As an information professional

Announcing the 2016 DLF + DHSI Cross-Pollinators

DLF is pleased to support five tuition awards for the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) in Vancouver, BC, June 2016. The goal of these fellowships is to create “cross-pollinators”—professionals who

Announcing the 2015 AMIA + DLF Cross-Pollinators

Association of Moving Image Archivists and DLF are pleased to support two travel grants for the AMIA Conference and third annual DLF/AMIA Hack Day in Portland, OR, November 18-21, 2015.