AMIA+DLF Cross-Pollinator Travel Award

      The Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) and the Digital Library Federation (DLF) are pleased to partner once again in sponsoring an

2018 AMIA Cross-Pollinator: Jason Corum

  The Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) and DLF will be sending Jason Corum (@jasoncorum) to attend the 2018 DLF/AMIA Hack Day and AMIA conference in Portland, Oregon!

Fellow Reflection: Lorena Ramírez-López

  This reflection was put together by Lorena Ramírez-López, currently an NDSR Resident at Howard University Television Station. Lorena attended AMIA and participated in AMIA/DLF Hack

Fellow Reflection: Rachel Mattson

Rachel Mattson (@captain_maybe) is Manager of Digital Projects at the Archives of La MaMa Experimental Theater Club, as well as a member of XFR Collective. Rachel

Fellow Reflection: Sarah Barsness

This Fellow Reflection was provided by Sarah Barsness (@SarahRBarsness), Digital Collections Assistant at the Minnesota Historical Society, who was an AMIA+DLF Virtual Cross-Pollinator this year.  Sarah

AMIA + DLF Virtual Cross-Pollinators

In partnership with Hack Day organizers at the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA), we’re happy to introduce the four individuals who will act as