DPLA Data Day

Building a Stronger Cultural Heritage Network

Join us for a half-day workshop learning about DPLA data and how you can use it to inform your practice and make extreme sharing part of your workflow!

The workshop will be comprised of 3 sessions, with ample time to network in-between.

Collections Data as Research Data: What we know in aggregate

Defining the problem of metadata quality and the opportunities around investing in better data quality, demonstrated by research done by community members.

Discussion aspect to touch on research agenda for/by DPLA, and the opportunity of using DPLA data for research.

Data analysis performed on metadata available through the DPLA API will be topic of discussion. Data analyzed will include rights statements, subjects, etc.

DPLA Rights work: how better rights statements mean better (re)use.

An overview of the work of the international committee on the development of standardized rights statements for use in our community will be provided. We will discuss the proposed statements and the technical implementation of the statements, to be housed at rightsstatements.org. A project timeline and demonstration of how the statements will function in the DPLA network and beyond will be provided.

Break out work: Workshop participants will be encouraged to provide feedback on the implementation of rights statements and to identify potential adopters/implementers. Workshop participants will also be encouraged to discuss needed education/tools for implementation.

DPLA Metadata Enrichment work: Better together

We will have a discussion around processes of metadata enrichment, with a specific focus on enrichment processes undertaken by DPLA and its Hubs. This will include a brief review of the DPLA metadata and mapping enrichment processes, and may include brief presentations from others within the DPLA network. We will also have an open discussion of known gaps and current needs, such as the inability to round trip enrichment back to Hubs and partners.

Break out work: Participants will break into groups to discuss existing tools and needs; groups will be encouraged to develop concrete enrichment use cases to inform future work on tools, including the aggregation and enrichment portions of the Hydra in a Box project.

Registration is closed.


When: Wednesday, October 28, 2015, 1–5pm
Where: Pinnacle Hotel Vancouver Harbourfront