Announcing the 2014 AMIA + DLF Cross-Pollinators

Association of Moving Image Archivists and DLF are pleased to support two travel grants for the AMIA Conference in Savannah, GA, October 8-11, 2014.

The goal of the AMIA + DLF Travel Awards is to bring cross-pollinators—developers and software engineers who can provide unique perspectives to moving image and sound archivist’s work with digital materials, and share a vision of the library world from their perspective—to the conference. We are pleased to announce the 2014 Cross-Pollinators, Tessa Fallon and Brian Hoffman.

Meet the 2014 AMIA + DLF Cross-Pollinators

Tessa Fallon

Tessa Fallon
Collective Access

I’m a digital archivist turned programmer—I want to code better things for archives! I’ve been researching software for video archives, and I’m really excited to connect with folks at AMIA to hear their ideas and suggestions for improvements to existing tools. I specialize in Rails, Sinatra, and related tools, and I am fast becoming a bootstrap aficionado. Next up on the horizon for me: data analysis and visualization.

Brian Hoffman

Brian Hoffman
Software Developer

I’m a software developer and analyst with experience designing web applications, managing enterprise asset management system integration projects, and managing the development and deployment of software in academic research environments. I have extensive experience working with digital archives, archival management workflows, and EAD.

Congratulations to the Cross-Pollinators! Look for their AMIA reflection blog posts in October.

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