DLF Forum Cross-Pollinator Fellowships for Museum Practitioners


**The application period has closed. Meet the 2014 Museum Cross-Pollinators**

In order to facilitate conversations between the library and museum communities regarding digital collections and services, we are pleased to offer the new DLF Forum Cross-Pollinator Fellowships: Museums. These grants are directed toward practitioners from museums and archives who would not typically be funded to attend the 2014 DLF Forum in Atlanta.


  • Museums, archives, and libraries face similar challenges in the digital landscape, but often do not meet outside of their organizational silos
  • DLF values varied perspectives and believes that bringing in colleagues from the museum community could add value to our conversations
  • Innovation comes from having new ideas and fresh viewpoints; there is much we can learn from our museum colleagues
  • Museums are thriving in the digital environment; attending the Forum offers the opportunity to hear about the latest digital initiatives and meet innovators who are contributing to the advancement of cultural heritage in a networked world

The DLF community is always looking for ways to expand the conversation around digital collections and its related activities. This year, we are actively seeking participation from those who work with digital collections and services in museums, with special consideration for those working in art museums, in order to enrich our understanding of how cultural heritage organizations operate, add value and serve our social mission in a networked world.

Through generous support of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, the DLF program is able to offer four travel stipends to support travel and registration for museum professionals who have not attended a previous DLF Forum to join us for the 2014 Forum in Atlanta, October 27-29.

The Forum is an excellent place to hear about the latest advances in digital librarianship, to meet new colleagues and contacts and to get involved with DLF initiatives.


Four awards of up to $1,250 each to go towards the travel, board, and lodging expenses of attending a DLF Forum. Additionally, the fellows will each receive a complimentary full registration to the Forum ($475). Fellowship recipients will be required to write a blog post subsequent to the Forum, about their experience; this blog post will be published by DLF.


Applicants must be a staff member of a museum or archive who has not previously attended a Forum and would not have been funded to attend the 2014 DLF Forum.


Send an email by July 11, 4 pm EDT, containing the following items (in one document) to lkwasigroch@clir.org, with the subject “Forum Museum Fellowship: [Full Name]:

  • Cover letter of nomination from the candidate’s supervisor/manager or a museum executive, including acknowledgement that candidate would not have been funded to attend the Forum.
  • Personal statement from the candidate (ca. 500 words) explaining their educational background, what their digital library/collections involvement is, why they are excited about digital library/collections work, and how they see themselves benefiting from and participating in the DLF Forum.
  • A current résumé.

Applications may be addressed to the Program Planning Committee.


Candidates will be selected by the Forum Program Planning Committee. In assessing the applications, the Committee will look for a demonstrated commitment to digital work, and will consider the degree to which forum participation might enhance communication between the museum and library communities. Priority will be given to staff from art museums. Applicants will be notified of their status in August 2014.

These fellowships are generously supported by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation.

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