What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Leadership, Technology, and Gender?

Originally posted on ltgsummit.org by Chris Bourg on behalf of the LTG Summit Advisory Board and Organizers, February 26, 2014.

We are delighted by the increased attention being given to topics related to gender, technology, and leadership, and we are hopeful that the LTG summit will be a productive addition to those conversations. In order to more fruitfully frame the set of possible conversations and topics we might cover at the LTG summit, we offer these initial ideas about what we might talk about when we talk about leadership, technology, and gender in libraries. We encourage readers to suggest additional topics in the comments.

  • Diversity/representation in library technology (and in libraries and higher ed in general):

    • what are the current demographic statistics for technology jobs in general and within libraries specifically? What are the trends?

    • what can we do to increase representation of not just women, but of other underrepresented groups as well?

    • what are examples of successful efforts to increase the representation of white women, people of colors, queer people, and members of other underrepresented groups in technology fields?

    • are there problems/solutions that are particular to libraries?

(Read the rest here)

About the LTG Summit

The Leadership, Technology, and Gender Summit is taking place March 20-21 in Austin, TX. The question driving the Summit is: “What can we do to combat gender inequality and sexism in library technology?”

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