Born-Digital Access Working Group

DLF Born-Digital Access Working Group


The DLF Born-Digital Access Working Group, formed in 2017, produces research on and advances the practice of providing access to born-digital collections. Current activities center on researching born-digital access practices, determining levels of access for born-digital materials, and hosting archivist bootcamps to share ideas and tools for providing access to born-digital materials.

While our primary focus is currently on participatory archival research & development, we are intentionally situated under the Digital Library Federation to connect across disciplinary silos. We welcome any librarians or other types of workers who are concerned with providing access to born-digital data of any age into our community and projects.





Steven Gentry, subgroup lead,  
Resources: Visioning Access Systems

Shelley Barba, subgroup co-lead
Jessica Breiman, subgroup co-lead

Recent Past:

Brenna Edwards, co-lead
Lara Friedman-Shedlov, co-lead

Born-Digital Description in Finding Aids (2022-03-03)

Get Involved


BDAWG meets monthly on the first Tuesday of each month. Check the BDAWG Google Group, Slack, and the DLF Community Calendar for the most up-to-date meeting information.


Initiatives and Resources