CURATEcamp: Catalogers & Coders

Constellation C: Wednesday, November 2, 9:00AM – 5:00PM

CURATEcamp: Catalogers & Coders is DLF Fall Forum’s Developers’ Roundtable, focusing on connecting professional catalogers and library software developers. The roles played by catalogers and developers lie on the same continuum and yet these two groups do not necessarily have many opportunities to engage one another in the workplace. As an unconference, the attendees determine the entirety of the agenda; one of the Camp’s features is serendipitous engagement.


* Expose common pain points from both communities
* Identify opportunities for coder/cataloger collaboration
* Find practical next steps to further LODLAM discussion
* Apply LODLAM work in both professional contexts

Session Leaders

Mike Giarlo is Digital Library Architect at the Pennsylvania State University, designing a technical architecture for an institutional digital stewardship program. He has been working in academic and research library technology since 1999, holding systems administration and software development positions at Rutgers University Libraries, the University of Washington Libraries, Princeton University Library, and the Library of Congress. He earned both a bachelor’s degree and an MLIS at Rutgers. He sometimes answers to “Art Vandelay.”

Declan Fleming is the director of IT at the University of California, San Diego Libraries. His main interests revolve around using tech to help people, building communities, linked data, and building sustainable repositories. His background is in academic and corporate computing, starting at the University of Illinois in 1988, then corporate work at QUALCOMM and a Microsoft/QUALCOMM joint venture. He has an MBA from San Diego State University.

Diane Hillmann is currently a partner in the consulting firm Metadata Management Associates and Director of Metadata Initiatives at the Information Institute of Syracuse. From 1977 to 2008 she was associated with Cornell University Library, as a Law cataloger, technical services manager, and manager of authorities and maintenance processes for the Cornell Library’s database. She also participated in the Cornell portion of the National Science Digital Library Core Infrastructure as Director of Library Services and Operations between 2000-2005. ( Diane was a liaison to and member of MARBI from the late 1980’s to 2000, specializing in the Holdings and Authorities formats, which lead to her early participation in the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. She is currently a member of the DCMI Advisory Board, was co-Program Chair for the DC-2010 and DC-2011 conferences in Pittsburgh and The Hague.

Jenn Riley is the Head of the Carolina Digital Library and Archives at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has a particular interest in engaging metadata specialists and technologists to more easily create metadata, and use it effectively in multiple environments. Prior to arriving at the University of North Carolina in 2010, Jenn was the Metadata Librarian with the Indiana University Digital Library Program.