#DLFteach Slack Channel & Office Hours

DLF Digital Library Pedagogy LogoProfessional development doesn’t always take the form of a course or a tutorial to learn a new skill. Sometimes, what we need is an informal space to talk over new ideas and share experiences. As an experiment in creating such a space, the Professional Development team within the DLF Digital Library Pedagogy group will be holding weekly office hours on the Digital Humanities Slack on Tuesdays, 2-3pm EST, starting June 6 in the channel #DLFteach.

Slack is a free tool for large group chat. Within a group, chats are saved, searchable, and browsable so that people can check in and contribute in real time or asynchronously. Each group has multiple channels with designated topics (such as #announcements or #introductions). While the #dlfteach channel will remain open for asking questions at all times, during our office hours, one or more DLF Pedagogy working group members will be present for real time chat. If you can’t make the scheduled times, you can still post your question in the #dlfteach channel.

To get started, you will need to create an account for Slack and request membership in the Digital Humanities Slack group. Requesting membership is simple and fast. Visit tinyurl.com/DHslack to get started. Digital Humanities Slack is open to anyone with a curiosity about DH and/or related interests (e.g. digital libraries, museums, and archives). Here is an overview of DH Slack and here is an overview of how to use Slack. It can be used via the web or as a stand-alone app on your desktop.

We hope that this will become a space for the kind of questions that are best answered in the course of conversation–such as, what do you think of this lesson plan? What are your experiences on this kind of project? We also hope that it can become a space for the kind of informal conversations that might take place in between conference presentations, but without the need for travel!

This is an experiment, and we welcome ideas and suggestions! We are particularly eager for feedback on how to make this space accessible and productive. If you have feedback, questions about getting set up, or would like to volunteer to host an office hour or two, please email Liz Rodrigues at rodrigue8@grinnell.edu

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