AMIA + DLF Virtual Cross-Pollinator Fellowships

This year, as DLF Forum and DigiPres attendees gather in Milwaukee, the fourth annual AMIA/DLF Hack Day will be taking place at the same time in Pittsburgh! As a result, we’re trying something a little different than usual to get members of all three communities to participate in cross-conference dialogue about audiovisual use and preservation.

Here’s what we need: two already-registered participants from each of the three events to describe and expand on discussions of AV preservation/use throughout the meetings. This ‘virtual cross-pollination’ can take place on Twitter (#AVhack16), IRC—or another outlet, if preferred. In addition, AMIA will host a virtual drop-in space for cross-talk between conferences.

Each fellow will receive a $200 honorarium.

Some background on AMIA/DLF Hack Day (November 9); the event is put on through a partnership between the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) and the Digital Library Federation (DLF) prior to the annual AMIA conference. Hack Day is a unique opportunity for practitioners and managers of digital audiovisual collections to join with developers and engineers for an intense day of collaboration to develop solutions for digital audiovisual preservation and access. More info is available here.

To participate as a Virtual Cross-Pollinator, submit a brief proposal (1-2 paragraphs) answering the following questions:

1. Which conference are you registered for and planning to attend?

2. How do you see yourself fulfilling the cross-pollinator role?

3. How will you encourage activity and discussion online?

4. What social media platform(s) or other channels will you use?

The deadline has been extended to October 26th, 4pm EST.

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