2017 DLF Forum: Pittsburgh

Hooray! The 2017 DLF Forum will be held October 23-25 at the Westin Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA.

Once again, we’ll be pleased to host an exciting liberal arts pre-conference day focusing on digital pedagogy, inclusion, and career pathways for students from under-represented groups (October 22). And immediately following the Forum, we’ll host Digital Preservation 2017, the annual conference of our affiliate organization, the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (October 25-26).

The CFPs for #DLFforum, #dlfLAC, and #digipres17 are now live! Check out our round-up post for more details or visit the individual pages:

And please know that, in light of recent political events, DLF will pay close attention this year to any executive order or piece of legislation that may impact travel and safety for our Forum participants, with whom we stand in solidarity and pledge to assist. Please contact DLF Director Bethany Nowviskie with any questions or concerns.

You can stay informed of all the news on future DLF conferences by subscribing to our Forum newsletter, joining the DLF listserv, “liking” us on Facebook, or following us at @CLIRDLF on Twitter.