DLF Community Update

Thank you for your feedback and ideas about the 2010 DLF Forum and the future of the Forum you provided through various online surveys, tweets, and emails. Your participation was greatly appreciated and is helping prioritize and shape DLF activities for 2011.

Overwhelmingly, the community was supportive of a once-a-year DLF Forum event with additional DLF sponsored events and activities held at various conferences throughout the rest of the year. The community strongly supported a fall meeting, with spring a distant second, and summer receiving very little support. It was suggested that the Forums run slightly longer to allow for more activities.

Keeping all of these recommendations in mind, we have confirmed the 2011 DLF Forum location and dates and have begun planning additional events for the 2011 DLF Community Calendar.

The 2011 DLF Forum: October 31-November 2, 2011. The conference will take place in Baltimore, Maryland at the Hyatt Regency (http://baltimore.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/), with 2 1/2 days devoted to the DLF Forum program.

Because the fall season is always so busy, are now exploring sites and dates for 2012 to find a suitable location on dates that do not conflict with other major conferences, holidays, and important civic duties.

Additional events for 2011 include support for the 2011 Code4Lib and ER&L conferences.

DLF is very excited to be sponsoring the CURATE Camp Hackfest preconference event at the 2011 Code4Libr conference. (http://wiki.code4lib.org/index.php/2011_Preconference_Proposals#CURATEcamp_Hackfest).

DLF is also providing conference support for the 2011 ER & L conference being held in Austin, Texas, February 28-March 2. Amy Sample Ward and Amanda French are the keynote speakers. If you are interested in e-resources, assessment, and their associated services/technologies, this is a great conference to attend. Conference info can be found here: http://www.electroniclibrarian.com/conference-info/program-speakers.

Plans are in the works for other 2011 conference events. Please do not hesitate to send me your suggestions or ideas.

So how will you know where DLF is going to show up, or how you can plan to be a part of these events? For now, we will post these events on the DLF-Announce list and other communication tools like Twitter (@CLIRDLF) and the DLF LinkedIn group (http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=3387265). The ultimate goal is to have an interactive community calendar on the DLF web site, where all DLF hosted and sponsored events will be posted.

This brings me to the DLF web site. The old web site at www.diglib.org ceased to be maintained in 2010; all current DLF community information is located at http://www.clir.org/dlf.html . Working with Brian Leney of CLIR and Eric Celeste, we have begun the process of creating a new DLF web site.

The new DLF web site is under construction and we are seeking volunteers to help out with some beta testing and user feedback. Please email Brian Leney (bleney (at) CLIR (dot) org) if you are interested in helping us out. Testing begins at the end of January, with a public launch of the site scheduled no later than the end of February. We envision an active dynamic site that helps our community connect and collaborate.

2011 is shaping up to be a very energetic and exciting year for the Digital Library Federation Community.

I look forward to working with you to make it one of our best.

Happy New Year!

Rachel L. Frick
January 12, 2011

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