NDSA seeks expressions of interest for new host organization

NDSA Background

NDSA was launched in July 2010 as an initiative of the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) of the Library of Congress. For an inaugural four-year term, the Library of Congress provided secretariat and membership management services to the NDSA as well as contributing leadership, expertise, and administrative support.

Since January 1, 2016, NDSA’s organizational home has been the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). Selection of CLIR followed a nationwide search and evaluation of cultural heritage, membership, and technical service organizations, in consultation with NDSA Interest Groups, their members, and external advisors.

NDSA is a global network, based in the United States, that advocates for the digital stewardship needs of its member organizations, convenes a community of practice, and provides professional development opportunities for its members. A heterogeneous membership organization with over 275 organizational members, it represents universities, government and non-profit organizations, commercial businesses, and professional associations. 

As a completely volunteer-run organization, with administrative assistance from CLIR, all NDSA programming and publications are made possible through the contributions of its volunteer community. These include:

  • The NDSA Levels of Digital Preservation, a widely used resource to help digital preservation practitioners build or assess their digital preservation program
  • A national conference on digital preservation, held on an annual basis since 2016
  • A series of longitudinal surveys on digital preservation staffing, storage, web archiving, and fixity practices
  • A bi-annual Excellence Awards program (in coordination with the Digital Preservation Coalition) that recognizes and encourages exemplary achievement in the field of digital preservation

Request for Information

Under its hosting relationship with CLIR, NDSA has thrived and evolved into the active volunteer alliance that it is today. In addition to the activities listed above, NDSA is home to multiple active interest and working groups that foster knowledge exchange between members and regularly publish on critical issues in digital stewardship. There is a strong and engaged Leadership team with healthy turnover and a yearly operational planning process. NDSA has a large membership with growing needs, including training, mentorship opportunities, and more ways to convene as a community of practice.

As NDSA has grown, its support needs from its organizational host have also evolved. NDSA seeks expressions of interest from organizations to host NDSA for the next five years, with opportunity for renewal pending the agreement of both parties.

NDSA has conducted a recent analysis of its needs from a host organization. These needs include the following, though NDSA is open to discussing other modes of support and creative ways to collaborate.

Sustaining our activities

  • Mission, vision, and values aligned, including supporting a free membership option
  • Fiscal services (membership, grants, events, financial management)
  • Robust technical infrastructure suitable for a globally distributed organization
  • Legal support as needed
  • Marketing services for promoting and amplifying NDSA messages
  • Event coordination in support of virtual, in-person, and/or hybrid events

Growing our activities

  • A virtual educational/curricular platform for training and professional development
  • A dedicated staff member to support NDSA Leadership and membership services
  • A leader in digital cultural heritage that can help NDSA continue its work as a national leader and global network for digital preservation

The NDSA host organization will play a critical role in the digital stewardship community, in ongoing activities, and in supporting new NDSA projects and publications. The host will be acknowledged in NDSA communications and at conferences and other events. The NDSA host organization will participate in NDSA leadership through representation on the Coordinating Committee, may contribute expertise through participation in NDSA working groups and working group activities, and will contribute to operations by providing the organizational support listed above.

Organizations interested in an exploratory conversation about hosting and/or partnering with NDSA, please send a brief e­mail to the NDSA Coordinating Committee (Chair: Bethany Scott) at ndsa.digipres@gmail.com ​by February 29, 2024.



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