DLF Forum 2023: Get to Know DLF’s Climate Justice Working Group

This post is part of a series authored by DLF’s working group leaders to acquaint you with their work, and how you can get involved, leading up to the 2023 DLF Forum.

Though the annual Forum is DLF’s signature event, our working groups collaborate year round. DLF’s working groups organize across institutional and geographical boundaries to collaborate and get stuff done. Working group participation is open to anyone interested in getting involved, regardless of whether or not you work or study at a DLF member organization

Join the Climate Justice Group at their next meeting on Wednesday, October 25, at 12pm ET. Attending the 2023 DLF Forum? Don’t miss the Climate Justice Working Group’s working session taking place on Tuesday, November 14, 10:15am CT. View on Sched.

The DLF Climate Justice Working Group will be hosting an in-person, open meeting at the Fall Forum on Tuesday, November 14 from 10:15-11am where we will share our current activities and offer an opportunity for colleagues to connect and share the work we’re doing at our home institutions to mitigate and adapt to the changing climate and support front line communities. We welcome new folks to attend and look forward to connecting to those we mostly see over Zoom.

At the meeting we will share updates on the major initiative we are sponsoring over the next couple of years: an IMLS grant-funded project to create a multi-part online climate resiliency training for the GLAM community. We are in the early stages of organizing this effort and are forming a curriculum committee who will identify speakers and topics. Throughout the grant, our group will support the project by being a sounding board throughout the process and by hosting circles in the model of All We Can Save, where participants can share and build community around climate action. Amanda Boczar  (University of South Florida) is the lead on this project.

As we support this long-term project, we also intend to focus the Climate Justice Working Group on serving as a learning community and information exchange. We seek to advance and deepen our understanding of climate work in libraries, archives, and culture heritage institutions and the actions we must take individually and collectively to shift  practice and culture by offering a supportive community where we can discuss topics and resources as they emerge. Over the next several meetings, we will be studying, reading, and discussing Eira Tansey’s A Green New Deal for Archives and seeking to draw out ideas that are broadly applicable across other kinds of institutions.

Through 2023-2024, we will meet once a month over Zoom. The best way to get involved is sign up for our listserv and attend our meetings whenever you can. We welcome new ideas for projects and topics to discuss and have capacity to support sub-groups who may be inspired to develop a new initiative.

  • Co-chairs: Lisa Spiro (Rice University) and Justin Wadland (Michigan State University)

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