DLF Forum 2023: Get to Know DLF’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Working Group

This post is part of a series authored by DLF’s working group leaders to acquaint you with their work, and how you can get involved, leading up to the 2023 DLF Forum.

Though the annual Forum is DLF’s signature event, our working groups collaborate year round. DLF’s working groups organize across institutional and geographical boundaries to collaborate and get stuff done. Working group participation is open to anyone interested in getting involved, regardless of whether or not you work or study at a DLF member organization

Attending the 2023 DLF Forum and interested in arts and cultural heritage? Don’t miss sessions M10 (Amplifying Feminist Art: A Cross-Institutional Collaboration to Create the Judy Chicago Research Portal) and Tu20 (Partnerships Across Communities: Multimodal Archives, Collaborative Projects, and Preserving Cultural Heritage).

DLF’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Working Group (ACH) is open to anyone working in museums or arts-based institutions, public history and cultural heritage, those engaged in public or academic museum or exhibition-based projects, and those with a general interest in museums. ACH provides a space for community members from the cultural heritage sector to get to know others working on digital preservation, collections, exhibition development, museum libraries management, rights management, teaching, user engagement and more.

Currently the group meets upon request whenever a community member expresses an interest in leading a discussion on a relevant topic, or has a project they’d like to share with the group. Past meeting presentations from staff at the Library of Congress, British Museum Library, and the American Museum of Natural History, among others, can be viewed on the ACH YouTube playlist.

Need feedback about a project, or have something exciting to share? Want to discuss a local issue or challenge? Get in touch to reserve time or lead an upcoming meeting.

Learn more about the Arts and Cultural Heritage Working Group on the DLF website, and join our low-traffic listserv to stay updated on future meetings and opportunities.

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