2018 AMIA Cross-Pollinator: Jason Corum


The Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) and DLF will be sending Jason Corum (@jasoncorum) to attend the 2018 DLF/AMIA Hack Day and AMIA conference in Portland, Oregon! During the event, Jason will collaborate on projects with other attendees to develop solutions for digital audiovisual preservation and access.

About the Awardee

Jason Corum is a coder and writer based in Los Angeles, CA. After a 10-year career in communications with organizations like the Biotechnology Industry Organization, the Brookings Institution, and World Food Program USA, Jason decided that he wanted to build cool online tools rather than manage them. Through self-education and a course with General Assembly, Jason acquired the skills needed to join Sol Systems, a solar finance and development firm, as a junior web developer. He is now a web developer with the WGBH Media Library and Archives where he works on the American Archive of Public Broadcasting, OpenVault from WGBH, Fix It +, as well as a forthcoming Samvera-based Archival Management System.

About Hack Day and the Award

The fifth AMIA+DLF Hack Day (November 28 at the Portland Hilton Downtown) will be a unique opportunity for practitioners and managers of digital audiovisual collections to join with developers and engineers for an intense day of collaboration to develop solutions for digital audiovisual preservation and access.

The goal of the AMIA + DLF Award is to bring “cross-pollinators”–developers and software engineers who can provide unique perspectives to moving image and sound archivists’ work with digital materials, share a vision of the library world from their perspective, and enrich the Hack Day event–to the conference.

Interested in participating in Hack Day either virtually or in person? Registration is free! Sign up now: http://bit.ly/AMIADLF2018

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