Fellow Reflection: Lorena Ramírez-López


This reflection was put together by Lorena Ramírez-López, currently an NDSR Resident at Howard University Television Station. Lorena attended AMIA and participated in AMIA/DLF Hack Day. She was one of four Virtual Cross-Pollinators who used social media to amplify discussion between AMIA and DLF using #AVhack16. 



I had plenty of conversations and discussions during AMIA 2016 via Twitter and I’m realizing now that I possibly had the most human interaction despite having my phone attached to my hand to check Tweets and standing by the wall/outlet.

Honestly, my Twitter account was better than a business card. People would come up to me because they would recognize my Twitter handle; I was able to meet people I’ve only conversed on Twitter in real life in Pittsburgh; got to reach out to amazing individuals;

AMIA 2016 Opening Plenary on Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016 | Action for Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in AMIA: Brian Graney, Janet Ceja, Mark A Puente, Carmel Curtis, Moriah Ulinskas, Jacqueline Stewart
FTH: Building an Infrastructure for Audiovisual Archiving and Preservation Education in the Americas: Janet Ceja, Gloria Diez, Isabel Wschebor, Julieta Keldjian, Paolo Tosini, Pamela Vizner
#AMIAdigipres organizers: Ashley Blewer, Shira Peltzman, Rebecca Fraimow, Kathryn Gronsbell

Out of my fellow cross-pollinators, I definitely saw @The_BFOOL the most. I tried to make a point to see @captain_maybe, but she was a busy bee! And @SarahRBarsness was actually at DigiPres16 and kept us AMIA folk updated about what was happening in Milwaukee.

Also I’m amazed how concise and articulate people on Twitter can be! How are you all so inspiring and motivating with 140 characters!?

While I did wish I went to DLF Forum in Milwaukee (the Twitter love and updates made it seem awesome!), I was glad that I was able to still participate in the conversations and conferences, despite not physically being there.

And that was the point of this cross-pollination, right? Attendees tweet/post/message so that we all can still connect and communicate.

(This hive is totally going to grow once I review the following resources listed below.)


Ashley B.’s AMIA16 tweets repo: https://github.com/amiaopensource/amia16_tweets #thankyouablwr

AMIA storify: https://storify.com/AMIArchivists/amia16-p2

AMIA DIYCA livestream: http://www.amiaconference.net/do-it-yourself-community-archiving-symposium-live-stream/

AMIA streaming: https://www.youtube.com/user/AMIAstreaming

AMIA collaborative notes: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B4YpMq–i-NfYVlnaUV0UF9lNnc

Sarah B.’s pindex which is awesome: http://www.pindex.com/b/sarah-barsness/amia-dlf-ndsa/

I kind of want to stress more on the connections/communications that were being made and what better way to do that then via gifs:

First off, we have people around the world coming to these conferences. Cool!

Then, people from different states:

While I’m still working out the analytics (using gephi and looking at other options like TwitterMap), connections were happening!

(I just need the math now…)

I’m glad I was a part of this cross-pollinating and I definitely think we can expand the conversation even without specific conferences and events prompting and helping us to talk.

PST! We still use the AVHack Slack!!! Join and see you all next year!

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