2017 Kress+DLF GLAM Cross-Pollinator Awards

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Museum and library staff face similar challenges in the digital landscape and yet have too few opportunities to come together. In 2017, the Samuel H. Kress Foundation and Digital Library Federation will support eight travel awards meant to encourage collaboration and conversation about these challenges among our museum and digital library communities.

Four $1000 fellowships will be offered to partner-affiliated GLAM professionals to attend the 2017 DLF Forum in Pittsburgh, and four DLF-affiliated practitioners will receive a $1000 award to attend one of the upcoming conferences of the following partnering organizations: AIC (the American Institute for Conservation), ARLIS/NA (Art Libraries Society of North America), MCN (Museum Computer Network), and VRA (Visual Resources Association).

Made possible for a second year with the support of a generous Kress grant and the continuing partnership of the AIC, ARLIS/NA, MCN, and VRA, the Cross-Pollinator program endeavors to build bridges among our communities, bringing new voices and perspectives to our Forum–particularly those from the art museum community–and continuing our efforts at “cross-pollination” by sending accomplished DLF practitioners to valuable conferences they might not otherwise visit.

In addition to travel funding, each GLAM Cross-Pollinator Fellow will receive free conference registration at the selected event, courtesy of DLF and its partners. As part of their fellowship, each individual will write a reflection about their experiences for the DLF blog, discussing surprising, engaging, or otherwise interesting aspects of the new community they encountered.

Forum Fellowships

2017 Forum Fellowships have been awarded. Visit the 2017 Forum site for a list of the four Kress+DLF fellows and links to their blog posts reflecting on their experiences!

GLAM Cross-Pollinator Fellowships

To be eligible for an award to attend the AIC, ARLIS/NA, MCN, or VRA annual meetings, an applicant must be affiliated with a DLF member organization.

Successful candidates will demonstrate a commitment to advancing research, learning, social justice, and/or the common good through the creation and/or use of digital library and museum technologies.

Upcoming deadlines:

To attend MCN: 18 October 2017

To attend ARLIS/NA: 11 December 2017

To attend VRA: 8 January 2018 (extended to January 15!)

To attend AIC: 5 March 2018

Apply here.


Award winners for all opportunities will be selected by CLIR/DLF staff in consultation with our Scholarships Committee, and subject to approval by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation. You may apply for multiple awards, but preference will be given to applicants who have not yet been a GLAM Cross-Pollinator Fellow.

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