As a community of practice that works to advance research, learning, social justice, and the public good through digital library technologies, the Digital Library Federation mourns the loss of 50 lives at Pulse nightclub in Orlando on Latin Night, and are grieving with members of the LGBTQIA, Latinx, and Muslim communities.
We are heartened by the rapid response on the part of many in the digital library community to do what we do best—connect information to those who need it—through the collectively built #PulseOrlandoSyllabus (collocated with #OrlandoSyllabus), to which countless librarians and educators have contributed nearly 40pp of information resources and teaching materials in 24 hours.
The guide is meant to compile research and learning resources focusing on the lives, experiences, and intersections of LGBTQIA people and people of color, and is organized into such categories as scholarly books, archival collections, fiction and poetry, comics, zines, plays, podcasts, LIS resources, mental health resources, resources for K-12 school communities, and more.
#OrlandoSyllabus un listado colaborativo de recursos #LGBTQ para activar diálogos desde la bibliotecología/academia
— Tindercat (@hacklib) June 13, 2016
#PulseOrlandoSyllabus, a collaborative list of resources compiled by librarians and teachers.
— Decker Library (@DeckerLibrary) June 13, 2016
What an amazing, collaborative project in response to yesterday’s tragedy. #PulseOrlandoSyllabus
— Nancy Hightower (@NancyHightower) June 14, 2016
Only two movies on #PulseOrlandoSyllabus are available on Movie Licensing USA, what can libraries do to get more films accessible to them?
— Muncie Library (@muncielibrary) June 13, 2016
Keep an eye on the #orlandosyllabus fellow #library folks. Update collections. Reach out to patrons. #librarylife
— Matthew Noe (@NoetheMatt) June 14, 2016
As the one-year anniversary approaches of the mass shooting at the historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, we mourn again those and all victims of violence, hatred, and discrimination, and recognize with gratitude the labor behind the #CharlestonSyllabus, compiled in the days after that June 17, 2015, nightmare. This blog post by Chad Williams, Associate Professor of African and African-American studies at Brandeis University, provides more information on the development of that resource guide (which itself followed the #FergusonSyllabus). For further reading, see “Reflecting on the Charleston Syllabus One Year Later”). In our sorrow, we also celebrate these collective efforts to shed light on history as it unfolds.
A time-stamped, PDF version of the #OrlandoSyllabus will be available soon, while the live document at will remain open to editing. All are invited to contribute relevant resources. For questions about the #OrlandoSyllabus, please contact Oliver Bendorf (@ohbendorf) or Lydia Willoughby (@willoughbrarian).