This year, Library Juice and Digital Library Federation (DLF) will sponsor a fellowship and travel award meant to support mid-career professionals in digital libraries and related fields.
The Library Juice + DLF Forum Fellowship is designed to offset or completely cover up to $1,250 in travel, registration, and lodging expenses associated with attending the annual DLF Forum, which will be held November 7-9, 2016 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Library Juice + DLF Forum Fellow will additionally receive an invitation to special networking events. Fellows will be required to write a blog post about their experiences at the Forum, to be published by the DLF and shared in Library Juice news venues.
Eligibility Requirements
Library Juice + DLF Forum Fellowship applicants should identify as mid-career library professionals. We define “mid-career” broadly and intend for this fellowship to support those who would not be eligible for our Students and New Professionals Fellowship or other funding targeted at early-career professionals. Eligible applicants are likely to consider themselves fairly well-established in their careers. Applications from people who could contribute to the diversity of the Forum are especially warmly welcomed.
To Apply
Send an email to with the subject “Library Juice + DLF Forum Fellowship: [Your Name]”, containing one PDF document that includes the following items:
- Personal statement (under 500 words) explaining your involvement in digital libraries and related fields, indicating eligibility as a mid-career library professional, and describing how you see yourself benefiting from and participating in the DLF Forum and wider DLF and Library Juice communities.
- Statement of need, including a brief budget request, with estimated costs of travel and lodging for the DLF Forum not otherwise covered by institutional professional development funds (which should be applied where possible). Please include in your brief budget a line item for registration cost at the members/presenters rate of $450.
Applications are due by 8am EDT on July 18th, 2016. Applicants will be notified of their status in early-to-mid August.
About Library Juice
Library Juice Academy offers a range of online professional development workshops for librarians and other library staff, focusing on practical topics to build new skills. Library Juice Press (“books for librarians with a critical edge”) is an imprint of Litwin Books, LLC specializing in theoretical and practical issues in librarianship from a critical perspective, for an audience of professional librarians and students of library science. Library Juice Press and Library Juice Academy are on Twitter @LibJuiceAcademy and @LibJuicePress. Library Juice will also be present at the DLF Forum as an exhibitor and looks forward to meeting attendees and answering questions.
About DLF
The Digital Library Federation (DLF) is a robust and diverse community of practitioners dedicated to the advancement of research, learning, social justice, and the public good through the creative design and wise application of digital library technologies. DLF serves as a resource and catalyst for collaboration among the staff of its 146 institutional members and all who are invested in digital library issues. DLF can be found on the web at and on Twitter at @CLIRDLF.