Deadlines Extended! DLF LAC Pre-Conference, DLF Forum, and Digital Preservation 2016

We heard your wishes for more time to get a proposal in for one of these three great events coming to Milwaukee in November, so the planning committees for the DLF Liberal Arts Colleges Pre-Conference and Digital Preservation 2016 invite submissions in all categories until Monday, May 23, at 11:59PM PST. You can also still submit a proposal of any type for the DLF Forum until the same extended deadline, and proposals for Lightning Talks are particularly encouraged.

Access all three CFPs here:

Submit a proposal using the online system:

#DigiPres16 is the revival of the NDSA’s major conference on digital preservation and digital stewardship, at which we’ll present the 2016 NDSA Innovation Awards and more! #dlfLAC is a chance for DLF’s vibrant liberal arts colleges community to come together to focus on digital library and digital scholarship work in a liberal arts context. The #DLFforum brings digital library, archives, and museum practitioners together to set ambitious agendas, share new methods and experiments, develop best practices, and better organize our community to accomplish its shared mission.

Bergis Jules
Bergis Jules, Digital Preservation keynoter
Stacie Williams
Stacie Williams, DLF Forum keynote

The DLF Forum keynoter is Stacie Williams, and her talk will focus on labor issues in our field. Bergis Jules will keynote Digital Preservation 2016, with a talk focusing on the power and promise of diversity and inclusivity in digital preservation work. The Liberal Arts Colleges Pre-Conference keynoter will be announced soon.

We hope you are planning to join us in Milwaukee!

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