We had a great turnout at the DLF Forum 2015 in Vancouver for the Assessment Interest Group session and lunch discussion (notes from both can be found here). We are excited to continue working with all of you — new and returning members alike — on developing best practices and guidelines in various areas of assessment for digital libraries over the coming year.
At the DLF lunch session, we broke into groups and discussed both the next steps for existing working groups and the creation of entirely new working groups around various areas of community interest.
Over the course of the next month, both new and returning working groups will be calling for participants through a series of emails on the Digital Library Assessment listserv. These groups will collaborate virtually over the course of the coming year, performing tasks as varied as conducting research and literature reviews, collecting and analyzing data, and authoring white papers and best practice guidelines for different areas of library assessment. Stay tuned by joining the listserv and learn more on the group’s dedicated wiki!