2011 DLF Forum Call for Proposals

The 2011 Digital Library Federation (DLF) Forum is seeking proposals for presentations, panel discussions, workshops, research updates, and hands-on, problem-solving sessions. The Forum is a working meeting where DLF members come together to do better work through sharing and collaboration. Participation is open to all those interested in contributing to and playing an active part in the successful future of digital libraries, museums and archives services and collections.

Managing digital content from cradle to grave is a complex challenge for library, museum, and archives operations. It requires creative and collaborative approaches. In that spirit, and to maximize the Forum’s benefit and better facilitate the community’s work, the Forum’s schedule will provide many opportunities to actively engage and network.

For the 2011 Fall Forum, the Program Planning Committee is requesting proposals within the broad framework of digital collections and their effect on libraries, museums and archives services, infrastructure, resources, and organizational priorities. The topics under consideration are:

  • Data management and the roles institutional services play
  • Data management policies
  • Relationship between and possible convergence of digital humanities and digital libraries
  • Open-source tools
  • Preservation of born digital content
  • Examination of digital library systems
  • Linked Open Data: continuing the LOD-LAM conversation
  • The Digital Public Library of America effort and other large-scale digital libraries
  • Digital libraries and personal digital archives
  • Strategic collaboration bringing libraries, museums and other cultural heritage institutions together

We welcome proposals on these and other topics from current community members and non-members who are interested in joining the DLF community.

Session genres include:

  • Presentations and Panels: Traditional lecture format with question-and-answer sessions.
  • Workshops:
 In-depth, hands-on training about a tool, technique, workflow, etc. You can recommend a topic or trainer, or you can volunteer to share your own expertise.
  • Research Updates:
 An opportunity for those working in digital collections research efforts to present their preliminary findings for community feedback and discussion.
  • Working Sessions:
 Creative problem solvers, including project managers, developers, and/or administrators, gather to address a specific problem. This does not have to be a computational problem. The approach can be applied to workflow issues, metadata transformations, or other complex problems that would benefit from a collective, dynamic solution approach.
  • Demos: Variation on a poster session or lightning talks. Presenters will demonstrate tools or services they have developed or are using in their digital library environment.

Proposal Submission Guidelines and Evaluation Procedures

Complete proposals should be submitted using the online submission form by  July 22, 2011 
July 29, 2011. Proposals must include a title, session leader, session genre, proposal description (maximum 400 words), and proposal abstract (maximum 100 words). After an initial review by the Program Planning Committee, all proposals will be posted on the DLF website for community polling. Those submitting complete proposals will be notified of their status by September 9, 2011. Presenters will be guaranteed a registration place.

The 2011 Fall Forum will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Baltimore, MD October 31–November 2, 2011. More information about the 2011 Fall Forum can be found at https://dev.clir.org/dlf/2011forum/.

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