CLIR/NEH Symposium
September 15, 2008
Meeting Participants
Alison Babeu
Research Coordinator
Perseus Project
Tufts University
Alison Babeu has worked as the research coordinator for the Perseus Digital Library since 2004. Before coming to Perseus, she worked as a librarian at both the Harvard Business School and the Boston Public Library. She has a BA in History from Mount Holyoke College and an MLS from Simmons College. Her current research interests include the relationship between digital libraries and mass digitization projects, and how libraries will need to evolve in order to provide the more sophisticated access and tools that scholars will need to mine the growing wealth of digital materials.
Anthony Beavers
Professor of Philosophy
Director of Cognitive Science
University of Evansville
Anthony F. Beavers ( is Professor of Philosophy and Director of Cognitive Science at the University of Evansville in southern Indiana. Since 1995, he has been involved on several projects relating to the use of the Internet in humanities scholarship. In 1996, he created (with Hiten Sonpal) the Argos search engine, dedicated to the ancient and medieval world, followed soon after by Hippias, a similar initiative in philosophy. Both Argos and Hippias were devoted to emergent organization and quality control of open access resources found online. In 1998, Beavers created Noesis (, another prototype for emergent organization and quality control in philosophy that continues to undergo development. Beavers has served as Executive Director of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy and continues to be active in the organization. As program chair for its 2007 conference, he oversaw a program dedicated to the free software and open access movements. This year he is serving again as chair for a conference dedicated to the limits of computation. Beavers is an affiliated researcher on the Indiana Philosophy Ontology Project ( and was recently awarded a 2008-2009 Digital Humanities Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities to continue his work on Noesis at Indiana University.
Selmer Bringsjord
Professor of Cognitive Science and Computer Science
Director, Rensselaer AI and Reasoning (RAIR) Laboratory
Department of Cognitive Science (Chair)
Department of Computer Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
Selmer Bringsjord specializes in the logico-mathematical and philosophical foundations of artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive science and in building AI systems on the basis of computational logics, including systems that assist intelligence analysts (e.g., the Slate system), systems that are at least apparently creative (e.g., the Brutus system), and robots with human-level capacity (e.g., the robot PERI). He received the bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and the PhD from Brown University in 1987, where he studied under Roderick Chisholm. Since 1987, he has been on faculty in the Departments of Cognitive Science and Computer Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, New York, where as a Full Professor he teaches AI, symbolic logic, human and machine reasoning, and philosophy of AI. Dr. Bringsjord’s publications range from science fiction to technical monographs, notably What Robots Can & Can’t Be (1992, Kluwer), which is concerned with the future of attempts to create robots that behave as humans, and his most recent book, Superminds: People Harness Hypercomputation, and More (2003, Kluwer) as well as papers on such areas as AI, robotics, logic, gaming, philosophy of mind, and ethics.
Gregory Crane
Professor of Classics
Tufts University
Gregory Crane’s interests are twofold. On the one hand, he has published on a wide range of ancient Greek authors (including books on Homer and Thucydides). At the same time, he has a long-standing interest in the relationship between the humanities and rapidly developing digital technology. He began this side of his work as a graduate student at Harvard when the Classics Department purchased its first TLG authors on magnetic tape in the summer of 1982 and he has worked continuously on aspects of digital humanities ever since. His current research focuses on what a cyberinfrastructure for the humanities in general and classics in particular would look like. He is especially interested in how technology can extend the intellectual range of researchers moving through very large collections and working with more languages than was ever possible in print culture.
Robert Darnton
Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor
Director of the University Library
Office of the Director
Harvard University Library
Much of my research concerns publishing, bookselling, writing, and reading in eighteenth-century Europe, mainly France. I found the archives so rich (50,000 unpublished letters from every corner of the book trade) that I decided to circumnavigate the subject in an e-book, which readers will be able to use in many unconventional ways. While president of the American Historical Association, I launched a project, Gutenberg-e, which was designed to promote the publication of prize-winning Ph.D. dissertations in electronic form. After seven years, it has been acclaimed as a success in some respects (breaking down barriers against e-publishing and setting scholarly standards for this new kind of book) and criticized as a failure in others (the business plan was not strong enough to make the project self-sustaining after the expiration of a grant from the Mellon Foundation.) Now that I have become director of the Harvard University Library, I must face many digital issues. I hope the symposium will help me cope with them.
Dr. Charles B. Faulhaber
James D. Hart Director
The Bancroft Library
University of California
Charles Faulhaber is Professor of Medieval Spanish Literature and Director of The Bancroft Library, Berkeley’s rare book and special collections library. He has been involved with humanities computing for over thirty years, starting with the design of a data base to catalog the medieval manuscripts of the Hispanic Society of America (New York), a project that led to a comprehensive bio-bibliographical data base of medieval Spanish literature which has been available on the World Wide Web since 1997 ( He also collaborated with the Spanish Quincentennial Commission’s project to publish on CD-ROM digitized facsimiles and facing machine-readable texts of early Spanish printed texts (ADMYTE: Archivo Digital de Manuscritos y Textos Españoles, 1992-93). He also taught one of the first distance learning classes at Berkeley (1995), on Old Catalan language and literature, with students at UC Irvine and UC Santa Barbara as well as at Berkeley.
At Bancroft he has actively promoted the mass digitization of primary source materials, manuscripts, archives,rare books, and pictorial collections. Currently Bancroft is working with the Internet Archive and expects to join the Google project next year.
He has been involved with academic computing on the Berkeley campus since 1980, having chaired the Academic Senate Computing and Communications Committee and served on numerous other standing and ad hoc committees, including, currently, the Leadership Council of Project Bamboo and its Berkeley counterpart.
Amy Friedlander
Director of Programs
Council on Library and Information Resources
Amy Friedlander is Director of Programs at the Council on Library and Information Resources where she is primarily engaged in projects involving cyberinfrastructure, preservation, and digital scholarship, encouraging partnerships and cross-fertilization of ideas across disciplines, agencies, and institutional boundaries. She is the founding editor of D-Lib Magazineand subsequently SAIC’s now defunct iMP: The magazine on information impacts. She has also participated in the organizational phases of the Library of Congress’ National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program. Since joining CLIR in 2007, Ms. Friedlander has been appointed to the National Science Foundation’s Blue Ribbon Task Force on Economically Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access, guest-edited a special issue of the Journal of Electronic Publishing on communication and cyberinfrastructure, and organized a workshop with Gregory Crane on the implications of large-scale text digital corpora for humanities scholarship. She is the author of five short monographs on the history of large-scale, technology-based infrastructures in the United States. She holds the A.B. from Vassar College, the M.A., and Ph.D. in U.S. history from Emory University, and the M.S.L.I.S. from The Catholic University of America.
David Germano
Associate Professor
History of Religions, Buddhist Studies
University of Virginia
David Germano teaches and researches Tibetan and Buddhist Studies at the University of Virginia, directs the Tibetan and Himalayan Library (, THL), and directs the new digital humanities center at UVa (in the process of being named). His personal scholarship focuses on the history of Tibetan culture and religion from the ninth to fourteenth century with a special focus on esoteric religious movements. At present, he is working with other faculty and staff at UVa to establish a faculty governed center focused on integrating and coordinating various digital initiatives with a humanistic focus at UVa, as well as strengthening the dynamic interconnections between innovation and mainstream activity involving digital technology amongst faculty and students.
Since the mid 1990s he has explored digital technology as a means to facilitate interdisciplinary, collaborative, and engaged scholarship in Tibetan Studies under the umbrella of THL. The Library covers a wide range of types of materials (images, audio-video, texts, immersive objects, maps, etc.) and disciplines (geography, literature, religious studies, musicology, art, archaeology, etc.), but especially is focused on building spatial and temporal resources as an interdisciplinary and collaborative nexus for diverse projects and researchers. In this capacity, he has built strong partnerships with institutions, scholars, students and local communities in North America, Europe and Asia to work in collaborative and mutually beneficial projects. The initiative also stresses supporting Tibetan scholars and educators, and aims to encourage and facilitate engaged scholarship that actively cares about how academic work benefits local communities around the world. This includes using technology creatively to help support bridges between academics and development projects, and to enable local communities to use modern tools as vehicles for their own self-expression and empowerment. This participatory movement aims to redefine the notion of “scholars” and “scholarship” to include local communities across the world in a truly distributed production of knowledge. To this end, THL facilitates communication, coordination, and collaboration among individuals, organizations and projects of all types with a common interest in knowledge and education pertaining to Tibet and the Himalayas.
Stephen M. Griffin
Program Director
Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS) National Science Foundation
Charles Henry
Council on Library and Information Resources
Charles Henry is President of the Council on Library and Information Resources. Prior to this appointment, he was vice provost and university librarian at Rice University, a position he had held since 1996. In that role, he was responsible for library services and programs, including the Digital Library Initiative and the Digital Media Center. He continues also publisher of Rice University Press, which has recently been reborn as the nation’s first all-digital university press.
Mr. Henry has been a leader in the digital libraries and digital humanities movements. He is a trustee of the Digital Library Federation and chair of the advisory committee for the Information Resource Center at the International University of Bremen. He serves on the advisory board of Stanford University Libraries and on the ACLS Commission on Cyberinfrastructure in the Humanities and Social Sciences. He received a Fulbright senior scholar grant for library sciences in New Zealand, a Fulbright award for the study of medieval literature in Vienna, Austria, and recently completed a third Fulbright award in China. Mr. Henry has a Ph.D. in comparative literature from Columbia University.
Bernardo Huberman (not attending meeting)
Senior Fellow and Director
Social Computing Lab
HP Laboratories
Bernardo A. Huberman is a Senior HP Fellow and the Director of the Information Dynamics Lab at Hewlett Packard Laboratories. He is also a Consulting Professor in the Department of Applied Physics at Stanford University. For the past eight years his research has concentrated on the phenomenon of Web, with an emphasis on the understanding of its implications for social dynamics and the design of novel mechanisms for discovering and aggregating information. He is the author the the book “The Laws of the Web: Patterns in the Ecology of Information” published by MIT Press. More information on his work is available at:
Caroline Levander
Professor of English
Director of the Humanities Research Center
Rice University
Caroline Levander is Professor of English and Director of the Humanities Research Center at Rice University. She is currently writing Laying Claim: Imagining Empire on the U.S. Mexico Border (under contract, Oxford University Press) and The Idea of American Literature (for Wiley-Blackwell’s Manifesto Series), and co-editing Engaging the Americas (Palgrave Macmillan). She is author of Cradle of Liberty: Race, the Child and National Belonging from Thomas Jefferson to W.E.B. Du Bois (Duke University Press, 2006) and Voices of the Nation: Women and Public Speech in Nineteenth-Century American Culture and Literature (Cambridge University Press 1998) as well as co-editor of Hemispheric American Studies (Rutgers University Press, 2008) and The American Child: A Cultural Studies Reader (Rutgers University Press, 2003).
She is co-editor of a new book series, Imagining the Americas, with Oxford University Press, co-founder of the Americas Colloquium at Rice University and has developed the Rice Americas Archive. In collaboration with University of Maryland’s Early Americas Digital Archive, the Americas Archive has generated the Our Americas Archive Partnership, which was awarded a 3-year National Leadership Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services for $979,578. She has recently led an NEH Summer Seminar on the topic of hemispheric American literature and a National Humanities Center Dupont seminar on the globalization of American literary studies.
Her research begins with the acknowledgment that nineteenth-century US literature and politics were integrally blended. Most broadly, her work considers the dual questions of American literature’s political impact and American political culture’s literary effects. Using a wide-range of archival and literary sources, Levander explores how the writing of prominent Americans as well as those historically disenfranchised within the United States—women, children and racially diverse citizens—reconstitutes conceptual frameworks of nation formation and literary heritage.
Marilyn M. Lombardi, Ph.D.
Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) Center at Duke University
Duke University Senior IT Strategist & ISIS Senior Research Scholar
EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) Scholar-in-Residence
Duke University
Marilyn M. Lombardi is director of the Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) Center at Duke University. The Center engages Duke faculty within the physical and material sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences in multidisciplinary and multi-institutional collaborations that leverage the advanced visualization, processing, and networking infrastructure and expertise of the statewide RENCI organization. As a former associate professor of English turned research computing strategist, Marilyn has made cross-disciplinary collaboration the hallmark of her professional agenda for many years. Much of Marilyn’s research and strategic activities focus on the realization of a 3D “metamedium” for deeply collaborative digital scholarship, learning and discovery based on a scalable, open-source architecture. Last year, Marilyn served as a member of the advisory panel for the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)’s new grant program in Digital Humanities Scholarship. This year, she was awarded a planning grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Cyberinfrastructure and NSF Directorate for Computer & Information Science (CISE) to enlist thought leaders from across the diverse human-computer interaction (HCI) research community in the development of a coordinated vision and set of strategic recommendations for the future of human-computer interaction in support of 21st century discovery. Most recently, she has taken on a leadership role in a Kauffman Foundation planning initiative aimed at developing and disseminating a robust infrastructure for the assessment of learning within virtual worlds. For the past several years, Marilyn has written white papers on transformative learning practices in higher education as scholar-in-residence for the EDUCAUSE <> Learning Initiative (ELI), and she continues to serve as senior research scholar in the Information Science and Information Studies program at Duke University and senior strategist for Duke’s Office of Information Technology. Her recent publications include a contribution to the Carnegie Foundation book “Opening Up Education: The Collective Advancement of Education through Open Technology, Open Content, and Open Knowledge” (MIT Press, 2008). A former associate professor of English, she is also the author of a book, “The Body and the Song: Elizabeth Bishop’s Poetics”; an edited volume, “Elizabeth Bishop: The Geography of Gender”; and numerous articles in scholarly publications.
Clifford Lynch
Executive Director
Coalition for Networked Information
Deanna Marcum
Associate Librarian for Library Services
Library of Congress
I am the Associate Librarian for Library Services at the Library of Congress. Before joining the Library in 2003, I was the president of CLIR. My interest in digital scholarship dates to those days at CLIR when we were collaborating with the scholarly community to determine how digital technology would affect the production of scholarship and the provision of library services. At the Library of Congress, we are developing a set of sevices to offer in the facilitation and promotion of digital scholarship. I hope to learn more at the symposium about how we can develop such services when there is no set community of users. Understanding others’ expectations for the offerings of the national library would be most helpful.
Tara McPherson
Associate Professor
School of Cinematic Arts
Tara McPherson teaches courses in new media, television, and popular culture in the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California (USC). She is author of the award-winning Reconstructing Dixie: Race, Gender and Nostalgia in the Imagined South (Duke UP: 2003). She is co-editor of the anthology Hop on Pop: The Politics and Pleasures of Popular Culture (Duke UP: 2003) and editor of Digital Youth, Innovation and the Unexpected, part of the MacArthur Foundation series on Digital Media and Learning (MIT Press, 2008). She is currently co-editing an anthology on digital narrative and politics and working on a book manuscript on the racial epistemologies of new media. Her new media research focuses on issues of convergence, gender, race, and representation, as well as upon the development of new tools and paradigms for digital publishing, learning, and authorship. She is the founding editor of Vectors, the multimedia peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the Institute for Multimedia Literacy at the University of Southern California. Vectorspushes far beyond the “text with pictures” format of much online scholarly publishing, encouraging work that takes full advantage of the multimodal and networked capacities of computing technologies. She was recently selected as one of three editors for the new MacArthur-supported International Journal of Learning and Media (forthcoming from MIT Press in 2009), a hybrid online/print journal that will also explore new forms of online publishing. Co-organizer of the 1999 conference, Interactive Frictions, Tara is among the founding organizers of Race in Digital Space. She is a member of the Academic Advisory Board of The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Archives, has served as an AFI juror, is a member of HASTAC, and is on the boards of several journals and of the Scholarly Communication Institute. Her research activities have been funded by the Rockefeller, Mellon, MacArthur, Ford and Annenberg Foundations.
David T. Moore
Technical Director
Office of the NSA/CSS Senior Intelligence Authority
National Security Agency
Currently at the Center for the Advanced Study of Language
Stephen Murray
Professor of Art History and Archaeology
Columbia University
Stephen Murray was educated at Oxford and London Universities. He has taught as professor and has served as chairman at Indiana and Columbia Universities and has held grants and fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the Stanford Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, the National Humanities Center, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Andrew Mellon Foundation. He was Founding Director of the Media Center for Art History at Columbia.
In his research and publications he has explored the life of the great Gothic cathedrals of France (Notre-Dame of Paris, Amiens, Beauvais and Troyes). He believes that it is important to consider all aspects of the cathedral including design, construction, social context and liturgical function: this inclusive agenda inspired his most recent book, A Gothic Sermon University of California Press, 2004.
In order to animate the cathedral and to make it available to as wide an audience as possible he has, most recently, experimented with the digital media, including the Internet, three-dimensional computer modeling and video. He has taught numerous cathedral seminars in Europe, especially through the National Endowment for the Humanities and Columbia University. Under the auspices of a grant from the Andrew Mellon Foundation currently directs a project to create a database for French Gothic Cathedrals.
Fraser Neiman
Director of Archaeology, Monticello, Virginia
Lecturer, Departments of Anthropology and Architectural History, University of Virginia
Fraser Neiman directs ongoing archaeological research at Monticello
( <>) into the ecological and social dynamics of the early-modern Chesapeake and the larger Atlantic world of which it was a part. His lab is home to the Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery ( < <>). DAACS is an experiment in the use of IT and the internet to share detailed archaeological data, encourage comparative analysis, leverage collaboration, and accelerate progress in understanding the evolution of slave societies of the Chesapeake, Carolinas, and the Caribbean. He teaches courses in quantitative methods, historical archaeology, and archaeological theory at the University of Virginia (
Stephen G. Nichols
James M. Beall Professor of French & Humanities
Chair, German & Romance Languages and Literatures, Johns Hopkins University
Stephen G. Nichols, James M. Beall Professor of French and Humanities, heads the Department of German and Romance Languages and Literatures at Johns Hopkins University. He specializes in medieval literature in its relations with history, philosophy, and history of art. One of his books, Romanesque Signs: Early Medieval Narrative and Iconography, received the Modern Language Association’s James Russell Lowell Prize for an outstanding book by an MLA author in 1984. Another, The New Philology, was honored by the Council of Editors of Learned Journals in 1991. In 1992, the University of Geneva conferred on him the title of Docteur ès Lettres, honoris causa, while the French Minister of Culture made him Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et Lettres in 1999, and Officier in 2007.
A Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America, he is also a Senior Fellow of the School of Criticism and Theory, which he directed from 1995-2001. Author, editor, and co-editor of twenty-four books, Nichols conceived and is co-director of a project creating digital surrogates of medieval manuscripts at the Milton S. Eisenhower Library of Johns Hopkins. The project is currently working with the Bibliothèque Nationale de France to ingest more than 130 manuscripts of the Romance of the Rose to complement those already on the site. He has lectured and written on digital scholarship in the Humanities, e.g. “From Parchment to Cyberspace,” “Digital Scholarship, What’s all the Fuss?” “‘Born Medieval:’ Manuscripts in the Digital Scriptorium,” “Manuscripts and Digital Surrogates: Sibling or Counterfeit?”, “There’s an Elephant in the Room: Digital Scholarship and Scholarly Prejudice.”
Lucile T. Nowell
Program Director
Data, Data Analysis & Visualization
National Science Foundation
Office of Cyberinfrastructure
Now on assignment as a Program Director in the area of Data, Data Analysis and Visualization for the Office of Cyberinfrastructure at National Science Foundation (NSF), Lucy Nowell is a Chief Scientist from the Information Analytics group at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). At PNNL, her research focused on helping users find items and patterns of interest in large collections of documents. She is also an alumna of the Virginia Tech Digital Libraries Research Laboratory, where she designed one of the first information visualization user interfaces for the Envision Project. Her research interests include long-term data preservation/archiving, user interaction with information in the context of massive data, usability engineering for information exploitation systems and digital electronic libraries, cognitive issues in user interface design, information visualization, intelligent user modeling and intelligent user interfaces, and information storage and retrieval.
As Program Director for Data, Data Analysis and Visualization in NSF’s Office of Cyberinfrastructure, her program responsibilities include:
• Sustainable Digital Data Preservation and Access Network Partners (DataNet)
• Community-based Data Interoperability Networks (INTEROP)
• Software Development for Cyberinfrastructure (SDCI)
• Strategic Technologies for Cyberinfrastructure (STCI)
Doug Oard
Associate Dean for Research,
College of Information Studies
Associate Professor, College of Information Studies Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
University of Maryland
Douglas W. Oard is Associate Dean for Research at the University of Maryland’s College of Information Studies. He holds joint appointments as an associate professor in the College of Information Studies and the Institute for Advanced Computing Studies. Dr. Oard earned his Ph.D. in 1996 in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, a Master of Electrical Engineering degree from Rice University in 1979, and a B.A. in Electrical Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, also in 1979. His research is focused on the design and evaluation of interactive systems to support search and sense-making in large collections of character-coded, scanned, and spoken language He is best known for his work on cross-language information retrieval, but his current interests also include support for e-discovery in litigation (as a coordinator for the TREC Legal Track) and investigating application of computational linguistics for social science research (as a Co-PI for the NSF-funded PopIT Human Social Dynamics project).
Andreas Paepcke
Senior Research Scientist
Stanford University
Andreas Paepcke is a Senior Research Scientist and Director of the Digital Library Project at Stanford University. Dr. Paepcke has served on numerous program committees, including as Program Chair for the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2008, and Vice Program Chair of the World-Wide Web onference’s ‘Browsers and User Interfaces’ program track. He served on several National Science Foundation proposal evaluation panels and is associate editor of ACM Transactions on the Web. Dr. Paepcke received BS and MS degrees in applied mathematics from Harvard University, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany. Previously, he worked as a researcher at Hewlett-Packard Laboratory, and as a research consultant at Xerox PARC. He serves on the technical advisory board of Center’
Dr. Paepcke’s interests include user interfaces for small devices, novel Web search facilities, and browsing facilities for digital artifacts that are difficult to index. With his group of students he has designed and implemented WebBase, an experimental storage system for Web contents. He is currently working on a Web Sociologists Workbench. The result of this work will be tools that allow social scientists and historians to analyze large time-series Web snapshot archives without knowledge of computing intricacies.
Donna Peuquet
Professor of Geography
Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Donna Peuquet is Professor of Geography at The Pennsylvania State University and a faculty associate of the GeoVISTA Center and was acting Director of the GeoVISTA Center during the 2007-2008 academic year. Dr. Peuquet performs research on the theory of geographic knowledge representation, spatio-temporal data representation, spatial cognition, geocomputation, geographic database design, and the use of GIScience in epidemiological research. Her book, entitled Representations of Space and Time, develops an integrated perspective on philosophical, cognitive, database and visualization issues on spatial and space-time representation. She was lead PI (with Alan MacEachren as co-PI) on a recently completed project to develop an integrated database and visualization environment for space-time information exploitation, called STNexus. Recent research includes increasing emphasis on representation of complex geographic processes.
Joyce Ray
Associate Deputy Director for Library Services
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Mark Schiefsky
Harvard University
Department of the Classics
Mark Schiefsky took his Ph.D. degree in Classical Philosophy from Harvard University in 1999 and has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of the Classics since January 2000. His research interests are centered on the interaction of ancient philosophy and science, especially medicine and mechanics. His publications include a commentary on the Hippocratic treatise On Ancient Medicine (Brill 2005), along with several articles on ancient medicine and mechanics; he is currently working on a book that will explore the connections between ancient mechanics, mechanical technology, physics, and mathematics. Professor Schiefsky is also collaborating closely with scholars at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Germany on the Archimedes Project, an international initiative funded by the National Science Foundation to create a digital library for the history of mechanics and mechanical technology ( ). He has taught courses on Plato and Lucretius in the original languages, as well as Ancient Greek Medicine, Introduction to Ancient Philosophy, and Ancient Cosmology and Mechanics in translation.
Kathlin Smith
Director of Communications
Council on Library and Information Resources
Kathlin Smith is director of communications at the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) in Washington, D.C., where she oversees CLIR’s publications program and sponsor communications. Before joining CLIR in 1997, she worked for nine years at the Committee on Scholarly Communication with China, sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, American Council of Learned Societies, and Social Science Research Council. She also served as a consultant to the World Bank on projects in China. She holds a B.A. in International Relations from the Pennsylvania State University, and an M.A. in International Development from American University.
Matthew W. Stolper
Oriental Institute
Matthew W. Stolper (Professor of Assyriology, Oriental Institute & Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago) is the director of the Persepolis Fortification Archive Project (described at; related postings at The Persepolis Fortification Archive consists of tens of thousands of clay tablets and fragments, remains of an administrative archive compiled around 500 BC and rediscovered in 1933 by archaeological excavations at Persepolis, the palace complex in southwestern Iran built by the Achaemend Persian king Darius I and destroyed by Alexander the Great. Thousands of tablets have texts in Elamite language; hundreds have texts in Aramaic language; a few have texts in other languages (Greek, Old Persian, Phrygian, Babylonian); almost all have impressions of one or more seals. Continuing access to this vast, unique source of information on Achaemenid Persian languages, art, society, and history is in grave peril from litigation. The Persepolis Fortification Archive Project at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago brings together an inter-institutional and international team of editors and collaborating projects in an emergency effort to record, catalogue and analyze as much of the Archive as possible, and to distribute the results through at least four co-operating on-line sites: the On-Line Cultural Heritage Resource Environment (OCHRE) at the University of Chicago (; InscriptiFact, the website of the West Semitic Research Project at USC (; the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) at UCLA (; and the paired sites of and the Musée Achéménide Virtuel et Interactif (MAVI) at the Collège de France ( and Like many project directors, Stolper is a well-meaning user of modest ability and incomplete knowledge of his resources.
Maureen Stone
StoneSoup Consulting
Maureen Stone has been working in digital color, graphics, perception and the tools for information display for almost 30 years. At Xerox PARC in the 1980’s, she participated in the desktop publishing revolution, creating tools for illustration, typography, and color selection. She and her colleagues created some of the first color management systems for digital prepress, uniquely focused on purely digital imagery (as opposed to scanned photographs). At the end of her tenure at PARC, she was a member a small group exploring the relationship between technology and design called RED (Research in Experimental Design), where she worked on digital sound, 3D web graphics, and a walk-through comic strip. Since founding StoneSoup Consulting in 1999, she has worked on a wide range of research and development activities, from building multi-projector display walls at Stanford to designing color palettes for Tableau Software to teaching Information Visualization in the University of Washington iSchool. She is an adjunct professor at Simon Fraser University’s School for Interactive Arts and Technology, and editor in chief of IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications . Her book, A Field Guide to Digital Color, was published by A.K. Peters in 2003. She received a BS and MS degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois, and a MS in Computer Science from Caltech. She is a member of ACM, IEEE and IS&T.
Timothy Tangherlini
Professor / Chair, The Scandinavian Section, UCLA
Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures Dept., UCLA
Timothy Tangherlini is Professor of Scandinavian and Korean folklore at the University of California, Los Angeles. His current work focuses on applying machine learning techniques (supervised and unsupervised learning) to Danish folklore and Old Icelandic literature corpuses. He is also leading an effort at UCLA to develop an automated morphological analyzer for Old Icelandic ( Other work related to digital humanities scholarship includes a growing archive of Korean and Korean American folklore based on student collections (, as well as a born-digital project that presents storyteller repertoires from the collections of the nineteenth century Danish folklorist, Evald Tang Kristensen ( Along with the UCLA digital library, he is currently in the process of making all 79 volumes of Tang Kristensen’s folklore collections, along with a deeply tagged edition of his memoirs, freely available in digital form. He is also a consultant on a project within the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative at UC Berkeley, and Co-PI on Mapping Nordic Literary Culture sponsored by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Donald J. Waters
Program Officer, Scholarly Communications
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Donald J. Waters is the Program Officer for Scholarly Communications at The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Before joining the Foundation in 1999, he served as the first Director of the Digital Library Federation (1997-1999), as Associate University Librarian at Yale University (1993-1997), and in a variety of other positions at the Computer Center, the School of Management, and the University Library at Yale. Waters graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in American Studies from the University of Maryland, College Park in 1973. In 1982, he received his Ph.D. in Anthropology from Yale University. Waters conducted his dissertation research on the political economy of artisanry in Guyana, South America. He has edited a collection of African-American folklore from the Hampton Institute in a volume entitled Strange Ways and Sweet Dreams. In 1995-96, he co-chaired the Task Force of the Commission on Preservation and Access and the Research Libraries Group on Archiving of Digital Information, and was the editor and a principal author of the Task Force Report. He was a member of the Section 108 Study Group. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and serves on the Steering Committee of the Coalition for Networked Information, the National Digital Strategy Advisory Board of the Library of Congress. He is also the author of numerous articles and presentations on libraries, digital libraries, digital preservation, and scholarly communications.
Joel Wurl
Senior Program Officer
Division of Preservation and Access
National Endowment for the Humanities
Joel Wurl is a Sr. Program Officer in the Division of Preservation & Access, National Endowment for the Humanities, where he also serves on the inter-divisional working group for the Office of Digital Humanities. He is also an Adjunct Instructor in the Applied History program at George Mason University. Prior to joining NEH in October, 2006, he worked for 20 years with University of Minnesota’s Immigration History Research Center ending there as Head of Research Collections and Associate Director. From 2002 to 2005, he served on the council and executive committee of the Society of American Archivists and as editor of the Midwest Archives Conference journal Archival Issues. He co-chaired the program committee for the 2008 SAA annual meeting in San Francisco. Wurl’s publications have appeared in both archival and immigration/ethnic history journals, and he is general editor for “North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries, and Oral Histories,” an online publication of Alexander St. Press. Wurl was named a Distinguished Fellow of SAA in 2007.