Library of Congress National Digital Information
Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP)
Network of partners goals:
- Develop a national digital collection and preservation strategy
- Build a network of preservation partnerships
- Explore protocols and standards to support partnership operations
- Help identify and preserve at-risk digital content
- Support the development of tools, models, and methods for digital preservation
Library of Congress Digital Preservation Partners
• California Digital Library: Web political content
• Emory University: Southern digital culture
• UC Santa Barbara: Geospatial Data
• NC State University: Geospatial Data
• U of Maryland: business records
• U of Michigan: Social science data
• U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: State government publications, among other content
• WNET/PBS: Digital television
Technical architecture:
• Architecture is a framework to guide the development of a national preservation network
• Design principles:
– Support institutional relationships
– Separate
preservation and access
– Construct
– Assemble over time, not all at once
– Upgrade parts without disruption of the whole
– Use broadly adoptable standards and protocols
Preservation research:
Current status
- Received over 60 proposals in response to NSF Program Solicitation
- Two peer-review panels made up of digital preservation experts from around the world helped identify excellent proposals
- LC and NSF will announce awards shortly
- Funded projects expected to produce useful results within a year
Expected Outcomes of NDIIPP:
- a clearer definition of the roles and responsibilities of partners in the preservation network;
- the establishment and deepening of relationships among key partners in the private and public sectors and including international institutions;
- the clarification of intellectual property issues that impede preservation, together with recommendations to address them;
- the creation of an advanced design for the digital architecture;
- the identification of a next set of investments to advance NDIIPP goals;
- the encouragement of an advanced research agenda for preservation of digital content; and
- raised awareness among key stakeholders and the general public about the challenges and opportunities of digital preservation.
Library of Congress National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
It’s About Time: Research Challenges in Digital Archiving and Long-Term Preservation
Abby Smith, Director of Programs, Council of Library and
Information Resources