The following selection offers some readings-for both before and after the event-in the various topics and issues that will come up during the workshop. All the links were accessed on January 13, 2005.

Overview of Content and Technology Issues

Atkins, Daniel E., et al. Revolutionizing Science and Engineering Through Cyberinfrastructure: Report of the National Science Foundation Blue Ribbon Advisory Panel on Cyberinfrastructure. January 2003.

OCLC. 2003 Environmental Scan: A Report to the OCLC Membership.

Seaman, David. “Deep Sharing: A Case for the Federated Digital Library.” EDUCAUSE Review (July/August 2003): 10-11.

Unsworth, John, et al. Commission on Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities & Social Sciences . 2004-2005.

Waters, Donald J. “Beyond Digital Libraries: The Organizational Design of a New Cyberinfrastructure.” Wave of the Future: NSF Post Digital Library Futures Workshop, June 15-17 2003, Chatham, MA.

Creation and Procurement of Digital Information

Evidence of a trend towards mass digitization on a scale of ambition hitherto unseen:

Bishoff, Liz and Nancy Allen. Business Planning for Cultural HeritageInstitutions. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resoures, 2004.Abstract is available from

Caplan, Priscilla, et al. Report of the Workshop on Opportunities for Research on the Creation, Management, Preservation and Use of Digital Content . Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, Florida Center for Library Automation, 2003.

Institute for Museum and Library Services. A Framework of Guidance for Building Good Digital Collections. Washington, D.C.: IMLS, 2001.

Jennings, Simon. RDN Collections Development Framework. Version 1.2 (July 2002). .

Open Access/Self-Archiving

Special Issue: Open Access 2004. Serials Review Vol. 30 No. 4.

Thirteen articles from some of the most active commentators on Open Access issues. This Elsevier journal is itself available through open access, by permission of the publisher.

Harnad, Stephan, et al. “The Access/Impact Problem and the Green and Gold Roads to Open Access.” Serials Review 30, no. 4 (2004).

LIBLICENSE Project. LIBLICENSE: Licensing Digital Materials.

The listserv archives of the LIBLICENSE Project discussion list offer a series of running e-mail conversations and debates around a host of licensing and open access issues and business implications. Most journals now allow public-access self-archiving — they allow authors to put the final version of their scholarly articles on their own home page or in their institutional repository, and provide free access to them. For example of this see, “Elsevier Further Liberalizes Copyright for Authors,” available from


This ARL initiative has a good deal of background information on this topic.

Management of Licenses and Rights

Coyle, Karen. “Rights Management and Digital Library Requirements.” Ariadne Magazine, issue 40, July, 2004.

Jewell, Timothy D., et al. Electronic Resource Management: The Report of the DLF Initiative. Washington, D.C.: DLF, 2004.

A common, sharable, XML “record” and set of recommendations for recording the content of license agreements, related administrative information, and internal processes associated with collections of licensed electronic resources. Library system vendors and the publishing community are reacting very favorably to this emerging protocol.

Organization/Description Topics

Open Archives Initiative,

This Web site gives a good overview of the notion of shareable, harvestable metadata, which is relatively easy for archives and libraries to produce and can then be gathered up by “harvesters” and turned into services. For examples and discussions, see the following:

Arms, Caroline R. “Available and Useful: OAI at the Library of Congress.” Library Hi Tech 21, no. 2 (2003): 129-139.

Dempsey, Lorcan, Eric Childress, Carol Jean Godby, Thomas B. Hickey, Diane Vizine-Goetz, and Jeff Young. 2004. “Metadata Switch: Thinking About Some Metadata Management and Knowledge Organization Issues in the Changing Research and Learning Landscape.” Forthcoming in LITA Guide to E-Scholarship [working title], ed. Debra Shapiro. August 2004 preprint available at (PDF:847K/25pp).


[4,879,071 searchable OAI records describing online resources from 396 institutions, many of them libraries, archives, and museums as of January 2005.

Authentication and Access Control

Shibboleth Project, Internet2 Middleware. Ann Arbor, MI: Internet2, 2005.

Shibboleth is “developing architectures, policy structures, practical technologies, and an open source implementation to support inter-institutional sharing of web resources subject to access controls.” You can think of it as a replacement for the clumsy IP access control that we now use, as long as both library and vendor support Shibboleth. It is an access control that pays a high degree of attention to the privacy of the users, and at enabling richer, fuller, easier use of that content we hold under licenses that restrict its access to certain sets of users.


Friedlander, Amy. “The National Digital Information Infrastructure Preservation Program: Expectations, Realities, Choices and Progress to Date.” D-Lib Magazine 8, no. 4 (April 2002).

National Digital Information Infrastructure Preservation Program. Welcome to the NDIIPP. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress.

Lavoie, Brian, and Lorcan Dempsey. “Thirteen Ways of Looking at…Digital Preservation.” D-Lib Magazine, July/August, 2004.

“Information and recommendations of the Digital Preservation group at the University of Kansas in the High Velocity Change through High Volume Collaboration project.”

There is much digital preservation activity internationally. For a sampling of this please see the following:

Institutional Repositories

Atwood, Sally. “MIT’Superarchive.” Technology Review (December 2002/January 2003).

Crow, Raym. The Case for Institutional Repositories: A SPARC Position Paper. Washington, D.C.: Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition, 2002.

Foster, Nancy Fried, and Susan Gibbons. “Understanding Faculty to Improve Content Recruitment for Institutional Repositories.” D-Lib Magazine, January, 2005.

Fyffe, Richard, and Beth Warner. “Scholarly Communicaiton in a Digital World: The Role of an Institutional Respository.” March, 2003. In KUScholarWorks, University of Kansas.

DSpace Federation, .

Flecker, Dale, Neil McLean, co-chairs, et al. Digital Library Content and Course Management Systems: Issues of Interoperation. Report. Washington, D.C.: DLF, 2004.

This is an excellent summary of the issues facing users and designers of Course Management Systems as they work with content in repositories of a variety of types.

Gehl, John, ed. “Check out the New Library.” Interview with Clifford Lynch.
Ubiquity, Volume 4, no. 23 (July 30-August 5, 2003).

User Needs and Tools

Carver, Larry, Sarah Pritchard, principal investigators. Campus Informatics: Collaboration for Knowledge Management. Draft. Santa Barbara, CA: University of California, Santa Barbara, University Libraries, 2004.

This is a Mellon-funded study on faculty needs and practices surrounding innovative, data-intensive research and scholarship.

DLF/Outsell, Inc. Dimensions and Use of the Scholarly Information Environment. Introduction by Amy Friedlander. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resources, 2002.

George Mason University’s Center for History and New Media’s Echo: Exploring & Collecting HIstory Online toolkit,

Greenstone Digital Library Software, .

An innovative, free, open-source, and increasingly standards-aware “digital-library-in-a-box” software suite from New Zealand. Also very useful as a personal library tool for a student or scholar.

Institute of Museum and Library Services. Assessment of End-User Needs in IMLS-Funded Digitization Projects. Washington, D.C.: IMLS, 2003.

An IMLS commissioned study of the needs-assessment practices used in digitization projects.

Michigan State University’s MATRIX. The Center for Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences Online tools,

Seaman, David. DLF Scholars’ Panel. Report. Washington, D.C.: DLF, 2004.

A report from a 2-day meeting to learn from working scholars what they value and what they need from our digital library services.

Smith, Abby. New-Model Scholarship: How Will It Survive? Washington DC: Council on Library & Information Resources, 2003.

UC Berkeley’s Interactive University Project Scholar’s Box suite,