The Architecture of Knowledge:

How Research Programs and New Courses are Built

CLIR 2007 Sponsors’ Symposium

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cosmos Club

2121 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C.

8:45-9:30                   Check-in and continental breakfast

9:30-9:40                   Welcoming remarks, Charles Henry

9:40-10:30                Notes from the Field: The Challenges of Conducting
Research in Museums and Libraries in the Islamic World
, Christiane Gruber, Indiana University

10:30-10:45              Break

10:45-11:35              How a 13th Century Romance Changed 21st Century Scholarship,

Stephen Nichols, Johns Hopkins University

11:35-12:15              Questions and discussion

12:15-1:30                Lunch

Followed by informal presentation by Donald Waters, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, on the foundation’s funding patterns over the past decade

1:30-2:20                   Understanding the Behaviors of Researchers and Students:

An Anthropologist’s Approach, Nancy Foster, University of Rochester

2:20-2:45                   Questions and discussion

2:45-3:00                   Concluding remarks, Charles Henry