CLIR 2007 Sponsors’ Symposium

The Architecture of Knowledge: How Research Programs and New Courses are Built

December 12, 2007

The symposium featured prominent faculty discussing a variety of resources and methods used to conduct original research and develop new perspectives through teaching:

Christiane Gruber, art historian at Indiana University, discussed her research on Islamic manuscripts (text and images), and the social and communication skills necessary for accessing them.

Stephen Nichols, French professor at Johns Hopkins University and CLIR Board member, talked about digital humanities research, with special focus on the Roman de la Rose project and how large digital manuscript collections can enrich research and teaching.

Nancy Foster, lead anthropologist for the University of Rochester’s River Campus Libraries and co-manager of the Libraries’ Digital Initiatives Unit, offered an anthropologist’s approach to understanding the patterns and behaviors of researchers and students.

Donald Waters, program officer for scholarly communication at The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, described the foundation’s funding patterns over the past decade.

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